A warm welcome from Young Enterprise John May - Chief Executive Janet Brumby – Regional Manager John May - Chief Executive Janet Brumby – Regional Manager
Young Enterprise Founded by the late Sir Walter Salomon in 1963
Young Enterprise is a prominent member of Junior Achievement Worldwide
Junior Achievement Worldwide 127 countries –Set up in 1919 –More than 9.3 million students each year countries –Set up in 1919 –More than 9.3 million students each year
Young Enterprise is a founding member of Junior Achievement/Young Enterprise Europe
JA/ YE Europe 41 member nations –trade fairs –qualification –competition –web events –training 41 member nations –trade fairs –qualification –competition –web events –training
Young Enterprise UK Head office in Oxford 12 autonomous regions Our Mission ‘To inspire and equip young people to learn and succeed through enterprise’ Head office in Oxford 12 autonomous regions Our Mission ‘To inspire and equip young people to learn and succeed through enterprise’
Young Enterprise UK 300,000+ participants annually Programme range from 5 – 25+ Support from businesses Over 11,000 business volunteers Relies on in-kind and financial support to develop and grow 300,000+ participants annually Programme range from 5 – 25+ Support from businesses Over 11,000 business volunteers Relies on in-kind and financial support to develop and grow
Young Enterprise UK Our flagship Company Programme For students from 15 – 19 Unique year long experience Valued by Universities and Employers OCR Accreditation Innovation Awards International Links Our flagship Company Programme For students from 15 – 19 Unique year long experience Valued by Universities and Employers OCR Accreditation Innovation Awards International Links
Young Enterprise UK Alumni research findings Don’t just take our word for it! Introducing our Alumni special guest speakers We hope you will be inspired Alumni research findings Don’t just take our word for it! Introducing our Alumni special guest speakers We hope you will be inspired
Young Enterprise UK David Garbera Philip Batty Sean Scott Andrew Crozier Stuart Powell Jess Bannister David Garbera Philip Batty Sean Scott Andrew Crozier Stuart Powell Jess Bannister
Young Enterprise UK Questions for our Alumni Panel Facilitated by John May Questions for our Alumni Panel Facilitated by John May
Young Enterprise UK Thank you for your attendance. For more details about Young Enterprise and Junior Achievement, please visit our trade stand in the exhibition hall or go to Thank you for your attendance. For more details about Young Enterprise and Junior Achievement, please visit our trade stand in the exhibition hall or go to