ICT Applications in Education, , chat Professor Jenny Pange University of Ioannina
Special audiovisual Applications, multimedia and ICT in Education While multimedia develop the capabilities of personal computers, the greatest revolution in education was the Internet (Internet) with incalculable economic cultural social benefits
Special audiovisual Applications, multimedia and ICT in Education The internet is used to communicate and exchange information. Examples: Telnet: service that allows direct connection of remote computers in order to transfer files. Gopher: information search engine menu. Chat rooms: used for exchange. Archie: browsing files, such as images, text, programs. used to exchange messages.
Special audiovisual Applications, multimedia and ICT in Education Wais: database searching, the acronym for wide area information server. www: used for searching information. InterNIC (Internet Network Information Center): information and service management system, such as entering addresses. Listserv: newsgroup creation service messaging.
Special audiovisual Applications, multimedia and ICT in Education Other services the future internet applications will be based on apart from the mentioned functions, are: file transfer, conferencing (video-conference) literature search. These applications are directed at upgrading the video-conference and communication using video between all users of the Internet or other.
world wide web The Web known as www, is probably the most important service of the current Internet. www enable PC users to browse the internet and visit multiple pages (websites) with information on any topic of interest. The search information is always carried out either through the site menu visited or through keywords in search engines, for example through: etc.
( )1 Electronic mail ( ) operates as conventional mail. Internet users communicate asynchronously and independently from their place of residence. To transfer messages from one computer to another only a few seconds are needed at very low cost, and for this reason, is very widespread.
( )2 Obtaining an is a simple case where each user can create one or more codes from different Providers (eg etc.). Google, Outlook Express and Microsoft Outlook are well-known computer programs for reading, post and management There is the facility of sending programs, images, multimedia files, presentations and generally anything available on the PC.
(chat rooms)1 Initially, chat rooms were used to establish a common ground for academic exchange, in real time. Today it is completely different, as the scientific discussion is only a part of the discussions that take place there. This is considered as the evolution and expansion of the Internet as in chat rooms users can enter and discuss any topic of interest, with anyone they wish.
(chat rooms)2 The separation of the discussions is: In theme (eg: economics, art, cinema, science, politics, etc.). Many users in their discussions use pseudonyms instead of real name to ensure their anonymity.
(chat rooms)3 The pedagogical value and usefulness of chat rooms lies in that the teacher can create chat rooms per subject and students can communicate in this way with the instructor. The chat rooms are particularly useful when the discussions held between students or between students-teachers regard matters that have been discussed in either the real or the virtual classroom. It is a place to exchange views and debate among learners and educators.
(instant messaging service)1 Message boards (message boards) are "points" or "positions" on the Internet where a user can write a message that can be seen by other users who visit this site. The message can be either a question or an answer to a question or view. This service helps extremely communication between Internet users, especially those who use the internet for their education. This service links mainly people know each other and exchange views. They can even chat in real time (real time) and of course very inexpensively as the cost of communication is limited to that of the Internet connection
(instant messaging service)2 Skype programs, CU, See me, etc. used in distance education by many internet users and children help users in communicating messages and audio. Some communication programs, unfortunately, do not support video or web-camera but only text messages (more information about Skype on:
(File Transfer Protocol) Also known as FTP File Transfer Protocol, it enable users to send and receive files from other computers. The user must be aware of the appropriate codes of address of the other computer in order to transfer the file. Today, the use of FTP is limited too, because both the www and services are easier for file transfer.
(Usenet)1 The Usenet's newsgroups are very similar to the well-known boards. In this case we have s and chats. The discussions address to PC users and have a coordinator (moderator) to ensure the smooth conduct of the debate.