Differential contribution of Puma and Noxa in dual regulation of p53 ‐ mediated apoptotic pathways by Tsukasa Shibue, Saori Suzuki, Hideaki Okamoto, Hiroki Yoshida, Yusuke Ohba, Akinori Takaoka, and Tadatsugu Taniguchi EMBO J. Volume 25(20): October 18, 2006 ©2006 by European Molecular Biology Organization
Noxa ‐ and Puma ‐ induced apoptosis in the absence and presence of oncoproteins. Tsukasa Shibue et al. EMBO J. 2006;25: ©2006 by European Molecular Biology Organization
zVADfmk ‐ sensitive and ‐ insensitive pathways of MOMP induction. Tsukasa Shibue et al. EMBO J. 2006;25: ©2006 by European Molecular Biology Organization
Essential role of caspase ‐ 12 in Puma ‐ induced MOMP and apoptosis. Tsukasa Shibue et al. EMBO J. 2006;25: ©2006 by European Molecular Biology Organization
InsP3R ‐ mediated calcium release from ER during Puma ‐ induced apoptosis. Tsukasa Shibue et al. EMBO J. 2006;25: ©2006 by European Molecular Biology Organization
Causal contribution of ER calcium release in Puma ‐ induced apoptosis. Tsukasa Shibue et al. EMBO J. 2006;25: ©2006 by European Molecular Biology Organization
Requirement for caspase ‐ 12 in p53 ‐ induced apoptosis of CGNs. (A, B) Apoptosis induced by ectopic expression of p53 in wild ‐ type (WT) (+/+) and caspase ‐ 12 ‐ deficient (casp ‐ 12−/−) CGNs. WT and casp ‐ 12−/− CGNs were prepared from the same litter and infected wit... Tsukasa Shibue et al. EMBO J. 2006;25: ©2006 by European Molecular Biology Organization