Training LHC Powering – Blanca Perea Solano From Individual System Tests to Powering to Nominal Blanca Perea on behalf of Hardware Commissioning Coordination.


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Presentation transcript:

Training LHC Powering – Blanca Perea Solano From Individual System Tests to Powering to Nominal Blanca Perea on behalf of Hardware Commissioning Coordination 29 th March 2007

Training LHC Powering – Blanca Perea Solano2 From Individual System Tests to Powering SC Circuits P R E P A R A T I O N F O R C O O L–D O W N C O O L – D O W N P O W E R I N G S C C I R C U I T S BEAM  R E Q U I R E M E N T S to Power Super-Conducting Circuits  From I N D I V I D U A L System Tests to B E A M Commissioning  S E Q U E N C E of Hardware Commissioning Activities up to Powering SC Circuits in S E C T O R 7 8  Hardware Commissioning P R O G R A M for PCSCT

Training LHC Powering – Blanca Perea Solano3 HC Commissioning Requirements to Power a SC Circuit UA83 Quench Detector Quench Heater PS Powering Interlock Controller (PIC) Quench Detector Quench Heater PS Power Converter Tunnel Cryo OK UPS / AUG OK QPS OK Permit Powering Energy Extraction QPS Controller Quench Detector Arc cryostat DFBAO AC Distribution WorldFip Cooling Ventilation Power Cables Cooling&Ventilation ELQA Vacuum CL Heaters CL Insulation Vacuum

Training LHC Powering – Blanca Perea Solano4 From Individual System Tests to Powering SC Circuits AC Distribution WorldFip WiFI Power Cables Cooling Ventilation Cold Vacuum Individual System TestsHardware Commissioning P O W E R I N G T E S T S : P I C 2 ׀ P C S ׀ P L I ׀ P N O ׀ P A C Power Converter Short Circuit Tests Power Converter 13kA and 6kA EE Systems B E A M C O M M I S S I O N I N G 60 A Orbit Corrector Short Circuit Tests ELQA-DOC Current Lead Heaters Current Lead Insulation Vacuum Cryo-Instrumentation QPS Instrumentation Cryogenics Polarity Checks PPT PIC1: QPS-PC-PIC Powering Interlock Control (PIC) Quench Protection System (QPS)

Training LHC Powering – Blanca Perea Solano5 From Individual System Tests to Powering SC Circuits Normal-Conducting Power Converters Radio Frequency Beam Dumping Sytem Injection Lines Zero-Degree Calorimeters Individual System TestsHardware Commissioning B E A M C O M M I S S I O N I N G Absorbers Access & Safety Beam Instrumentation Collimators Warm Vacuum Radiation Monitoring ZDC Warm Interlock Control (WIC) Beam Interlock Control (BIC) AC Distribution WorldFip WiFI Power Cables Cooling Ventilation Cold Vacuum Powering Interlock Control (PIC) Quench Protection System (QPS) Power Converter Short Circuit Tests Power Converter 13kA and 6kA EE Systems 60 A Orbit Corrector Short Circuit Tests ELQA-DOC Current Lead Heaters Current Lead Insulation Vacuum Cryo-Instrumentation QPS Instrumentation Cryogenics Polarity Checks PPT PIC1: QPS-PC-PIC P O W E R I N G T E S T S : P I C 2 ׀ P C S ׀ P L I ׀ P N O ׀ P A C

Training LHC Powering – Blanca Perea Solano6 Sequence of HC Activities in Sector 78 Global Leak & Pressure Tests PIC1 120 A & 600A 1.9K QPS Heaters fired PIC1 & PIC2 PCS PLI PNO PAC P R E P A R A T I O N F O R C O O L–D O W N C O O L – D O W N P O W E R I N G S C C I R C U I T S B E A M InterconnectionsPower Cable Connection QPS Ι CL Ι Cryo Final power cable connection High SC Low SC

Training LHC Powering – Blanca Perea Solano7 Power Converter Short Circuit Tests in Sector 78 General Services IST: AC Distribution WorldFip / WiFI Cooling: Power Converters and Power Cables Ventilation UPS System Equipment directly linked to the Super Conducting Circuit: Power Cables Power Converters 13kA and 600 A EE Systems (+Endurance Tests) CCC: Platform to test the software tools Oct. 05 & June 06

Training LHC Powering – Blanca Perea Solano8 Sequence of HC Activities in Sector 78 Global Leak & Pressure Tests P R E P A R A T I O N F O R C O O L–D O W N InterconnectionsPower Cable Connection QPS Ι CL Ι Cryo Final power cable connection High SC Low SC

Training LHC Powering – Blanca Perea Solano9 Preparation for Cool-Down in Sector A-600A DFBAO/N, DFBMA/C/H, Qs 6kA-13kA DFBAO, DFBMA/C End Interconnections 6kA-13kA DFBAN 120A connection 8L 120 A Polarity Tests 7R 120A connection 7R GLPT Inner Triplet Heat Exchanger Failure Galvanic Insulation ELQA-TP4A 8L/7R 1.9 kV Short in Dipole Lyra 1.9 kV Repair of the Lyra 60 A Orbit Correctors ELQA-DOC 60 A Orbit Correctors Nov 06Jan 07Dec 06 PURGE & FILLING F L U S H I N G P R E P A R A T I O N F O R C O O L – D O W N BLM Installation Cryo-valves 8L (AT/ACR) QPS HVT 8L/7R Cryo-Instr. HVT 7R Cryo-Instr. In the Arc Cryo-Instr. HVT 8L CL Insulation Vacuum CL Heaters Functional Tests Cryo-Vac Interlock Tests Partial Powering Tests Warm Magnet

Training LHC Powering – Blanca Perea Solano10 Sequence of HC Activities in Sector 78 Global Leak & Pressure Tests PIC1 120 A & 600AQPS Heaters fired P R E P A R A T I O N F O R C O O L–D O W N C O O L – D O W N InterconnectionsPower Cable Connection QPS Ι CL Ι Cryo Final power cable connection High SC Low SC 1.9K

Training LHC Powering – Blanca Perea Solano11 Cool-Down in Sector K C O O L – D O W N Jan 07 Feb 07 March 07 15/01–QRL Cool-Down 16/01–Magnet Cool-DownELQA During Coold DownWarm Magnet Intervention in the tunnel: 400kV network switch CL Heating system T sensor of cold mass & CL Cryo-Vac Interlocks Transport material P7 Valve checking P7 Partial Powering Tests 400 kV Network Failure Short to ground Q21L8 Short Q21L8 disappears (C21L8 - C22L8) 174K Average Magnet T 80K Repair cryo-leak IFS C13L8 75 K Average Magnet T D2 Magnet (8L) support fixed Cool-Down of 1 st DFB Broken Galvanic Insulation 600 A 20 K Galvanic Insulation fixed 60 A PC Calibration Open Voltage Tap Q33R7 4.5 K Discharge Quench Heaters 120 A PIC1 Tests 600 A PIC1 Tests DFBAN and DFBMH 600 A PIC1 Tests DFBAO and DFBMA/C 600 A Polarity Tests D2-Q5 PIC1 Tests 550V 3 x 120A (DFBMC)

Training LHC Powering – Blanca Perea Solano12 Sequence of HC Activities in Sector 78 Global Leak & Pressure Tests PIC1 120 A & 600AQPS Heaters fired PIC1 & PIC2 PCS PLI PNO PAC P R E P A R A T I O N F O R C O O L–D O W N C O O L – D O W N P O W E R I N G S C C I R C U I T S B E A M InterconnectionsPower Cable Connection QPS Ι CL Ι Cryo Final power cable connection High SC Low SC 1.9K

Training LHC Powering – Blanca Perea Solano13 Hardware Commissioning Program PC SCT Powering Tests Preparation for Cool-Down Transfer Lines and Dump System Radio Frequency System Beam Instrumentation Collimators Normal-Conducting Magnets Dump Kickers ZDC & Special detectors

Training LHC Powering – Blanca Perea Solano14 Documentation Procedures describing the IST and HC for the following Systems: Access conditions during cool-down: Mesures de Securite Mises en Oeuvre pour le Refroidissement du Secteur 7-8, LHC-S-ES-0016 Access & Safety: The Commissioning of the LHC Access System, LHC-YS-TP-0001 (in work) Beam Dumping System: The Beam Dumping system in Point 6 with its associated instrumentation, LHC-TDE-HCP-0001 Beam Instrumentation: Individual System Tests of the Beam Instrumentation VME Crates, LHC-BOC-TP-0001 & INDIVIDUAL SYSTEM TESTS OF THE Different Beam Instruments, LHC-B-TP-0002 Circuits: General Procedure for the Commissioning of the Electrical Circuits of a Sector, LHC-D-HCP-0001 & Powering of the Superconducting Circuits of a Sector up to Nominal Current, LHC-D-HCP-0003 Collimators: Collimator Final Assembly and Hardware Commissioning for LHC, LHC-AB-TP-0001 Cooling: Commissioning of the Flexible Connections for Water Cooled Cables, Warm magnets, Energy Extraction Systems and Power Converters, LHC-FW-HCP Closed Orbit Correctors: The Short-Circuit Tests and the Electrical Quality Assurance of the Closed Orbit Corrector Circuits, LHC-R-HCP-0003 Cryogenics: The Circuits of the Cryogenic System of the LHC, LHC-Q-ES-0004 & The Process of the Cryogenic System for LHC Functional Analysis, LHC-Q-ES & Individual System Tests of the Cryogenic Instrumentation and Controls, LHC-QI-TP-0001 & The Commissioning of the Cryogenic System for the LHC, LHC- Q-HCP-0001 Current Leads: LHC High Temperature Superconducting Current Leads, LHC-DFL-ES-0001 & 120 A Current Leads for the DFBS, LHC-DFL-ES-0002 DFB: The Commissioning of the DFBs, LHC-DFB-HCP-0001 Electrical Quality Assurance: ELQA - Qualification at the end of the DFB and proximity equipment assembly, LHC-DE-TP-0004 (in work) & ELQA - Qualification of the DFB before, during and after the cool down, LHC-DE-TP-0005 (in work) Energy Extraction System: Individual System Tests of 13 KA and 600 A Energy Extraction Facilities, LHC-DQ-TP-0001 Injection System: The Injection Systems in Points 2 and 8 with their Associated Instrumentation, LHC-I-HCP-0001 & Individual System Tests of the Injection Kicker Systems MKI, LHC-MKI-TP-0001 Power Cables: Commissioning of the Power Cables in the LHC Underground Area, LHC-D-TP-0002 rev 1.0 & Quality Assurance Programme for the DC Power Cables of the Superconducting Circuits in LHC, LHC-DW-TP-0001 Powering Interlock Controller: Individual System Tests of the Powering Interlock Controller, LHC-CI-TP-0001 Radio Frequency: The RF System in Point 4, LHC-A-HCP-0001 Power Converter Short Circuit Tests: The Power Converters Connected to the DC Cables in Short Circuit, LHC-R-HCP-0001 Quench Protection System: Individual System Tests of the Quench Protection System, LHC-DQ-TP-0002 Power Cable Connection: The connection of the power cables to the short-circuit blocks and to the current leads in the DFBs, LHC-DFL-HCP-0001 Pressure Tests: Procedure for global pressure test of Sector 7-8, LHC-QRL-PRD-7880 & Mesures de sécurité mises en oeuvre pour le test de pression global du secteur 7-8, LHC-S-ES-0012 Vacuum: Procedure d’installation et de mise en service du systeme a vide des sections droites longues (LSS) du LHC, LHC-VW-AP-0001 Warm Interlock Control: The Warm Magnet Interlock System for the LHC Ring, LHC-CIW-ES-0003 Warm Magnets: General Procedure for the Commissioning of the Electrical Circuits for the LHC Resistive magnets, LHC-MW-HCP-0002 WorldFip: Individual System Tests of the WorldFIP, LHC-CBW-TP-0001

Training LHC Powering – Blanca Perea Solano15 Glossary Preparation for Cool-down in Sector 78 Hardware Commissioning Program Individual System Tests Power Converter Short-circuit Tests Beam Commissioning High, Low Short-circuit & Power Cable connected