Media Literacy in a faith context Instrumentalization of media For example, using a you tube video to teach the Hail Mary or illustrate a point being made in the classroom. Not really media literacy as it doesn’t engage in critical thinking. Media Production in one part of media litearcy Having students produce media, such as a video or podcast, gives them hands-on experience of what it takes to put a media text together. This aids critical thinking when encountering popular media.
Media Literacy in a faith context Critical Engagement with media Build a bridge between faith and everyday life Common Sense Media Study Asking questions of the media in light of our faith to facilitate a deepening of lived Christian discipleship Coke Ad
Media Literacy in a faith context Critical Engagement with media Asking questions of the media in light of our faith to facilitate a deepening of lived Christian discipleship What’s going on in this ad? What story is being told? How would you feel if you were the kid on the bus getting a mean text message? Why do you think the person sent the mean text? Have you ever said something and then felt bad afterwards? What can you do to lift someone’s spirits? How might you pray about the hard things? Do you thank God where there are good things? What really makes us happy?