Lesson 1 & 3
Objectives Identify high risk behaviors that put teens at a great risk for STD infection Understand how HIV effects the body and its modes of transmission Describe the stages of HIV
Lesson 1 *About 65 million people have an incurable STD World-wide: ○ 20 million new cases of genital herpes ○ 30 million cases of HPV occur every year ○ About 5 million new HIV infections every year *Many are untreated ○ *Asymptomatic ○ *Unaware of having it
Curable STDs Global Incidence of Curable STDs in millions ○ 333 million new cases of curable STDs in 1995, ages 15-49
Curable STDs Chlamydia
Curable STDs Syphilis This chart summarizes the development of untreated syphilis: 1. Primary stage: There is usually only one sore or ulcer at the point of infection. 2. Secondary stage: A skin rash, a loss of hair, and flu- like symptoms usually appear. 3. Latent phase: It can last from one to 30 years; there are no outward symptoms. 4. Late stage: Syphilis may manifest very serious damage to the heart, the brain, and other internal organs. This may even lead to death. However, more than half of the infected never enter this stage of syphilis
Incurable STDs Herpes Of those infected in the U.S.
*More than 10,000 teens infected DAILY *High Risk Behaviors *Sexually active with more than 1 person *Unprotected sex *High-risk partners *Alcohol & other drugs You don’t have to write this part but consider this: At least 1 in 4 teenage girls nationwide has an STD, or more than 3 million teens
*Consequences of STDs *Some are incurable *Some cause cancer *Complications affecting the reproductive system *Passed from mother to child before, during & after birth *PREVENT STDs through ABSTINENCE
Lesson 3: HIV & AIDS 1982 – CDC labeled AIDS cases, 700 deaths 1983 – HIV confirmed cause of AIDS 2000 – AIDS was the 5 th leading cause of death among year olds
*Teens at Risk *HIV infections have decreased some *Teens = fastest growing rates of HIV infection *No decline in infections among year olds *More drug therapies = longer life for infected *Most valuable tool to prevent infection – responsible decision making Abstinence (from sexual activity & drug use)
*HIV & the Human Body *Virus takes over the cell & makes more copies of itself *Immune system becomes less effective *Progressive *AIDS is the advanced stage of HIV
*How HIV is transmitted *Lives inside cells & body fluids *Transmitted through certain ways *Sexual intercourse *Sharing needles *Mother to baby
*Stages of HIV *Contract *Flu-like symptoms that disappear quickly *Asymptomatic Stage *No symptoms *Symptomatic *Symptoms appear *Severe drop in immune cells *AIDS