Surface plasmon resonance Figure1. The configuration of an SPR chip[1] Figure2. The workings of the SPR chip [1] [1] Sabban, Sari. Development of an in vitro model system for studying the interaction of Equus caballus IgE with its high- affinity FcεRI receptor (PhD thesis), (2011) The University of Sheffield
History Woods explaining the concept of surface plasma excitation in gratings in 1902 [2] . Kretschmann et al. proposed the practical means of excitation of SPR at the metal–dielectric interface in the prism based configuration in 1968 [3]. The first major application work utilizing SPR was reported in 1983 by Liedberg et al[4]. [2] R.W. Wood, On a remarkable case of uneven distribution of light in a diffraction grating spectrum, Phil. Mag. 4 (1902) 396–402. [3] E. Kretschmann, H. Raether, Radiative decay of non-radiative surface plasmon excited by light, Z. Naturforsh 23A (1968) 2135–2136. [4] B. Liedberg, C. Nylander, I. Lundstr¨om, Surface plasmon resonance for gas detection and biosensing, Sens. Actuators B 4 (1983) 299–304.
Kretschmann configuration Here, k0 =2π/λ0 is the wave vector in free space, λ0 the freespace wavelength, npthe refractive index of the prism, ns the fractive index of the dielectric sample, and εm the complex dielectric constant of the metal [5]. Fig. 3. Three-layer Kretschmann configuration for SPR excitation [5] [5] Gaurav Gupta, Jun Kondoh .Tuning and sensitivity enhancement of surface plasmon resonance sensor. Sensors and Actuators B 122 (2007) 381–388.
SPR setup Fig. 4. Schematic of prism-based SPR setup working in angular interrogation mode. LD: laser diode(670nm); P: polarizer; PD: photodiode; ADC: analog-to-digital converter [5]. [5] Gaurav Gupta, Jun Kondoh .Tuning and sensitivity enhancement of surface plasmon resonance sensor Sensors and Actuators B 122 (2007) 381–388.
Result Fig.6. Light reflection in the Kretschmann geometry of the ATR method. Assuming the structure prism–metal–dielectric in the y-z plane is infinite Fig.7 Log Log plot of n(solid line) and k(dash line) vs wavelength for silver【6】 Fig. 5. Experimental and theoretical SPR reflection spectra. Dots for experimental spectra and solid line for theoretical spectra. 反射率R=|rpmd|2 [6] David W. Lynch and W. R. Hunter. 350-357
Theoretical SPR reflection curves Fig. 8. SPR reflection curves as functions of incident angle obtained using Fresnel formulae for two different dielectric media and three different prism materials: (a) np = 1.597, (b) np = 1.51391 and (c) np = 1.456. Curves A, C, and E are for ns = 1.33, and curves B, D, and F are for ns = 1.36 [5]. Fig. 9. Gold: -e,(w) and e2(W) vs frequency. The solid line is the Drude model. The data from Ref. 8 are: Bennett and Bennett, * for both -el and e2; Schulz, 0 for both; Motulevich and Shubin, for both; Padalka and Shklyarevskii, 0 for both; Bolotin et al., x for both; Brandli and Sievers, + for both; Weaver et al., A for both.[7]. [5] Gaurav Gupta, Jun Kondoh .Tuning and sensitivity enhancement of surface plasmon resonance sensor Sensors and Actuators B 122 (2007) 381–388. [7] M. A. Ordal, L. L. Long, R. J. Bell, S. E. Bell, R. R. Bell, R. W. Alexander, Jr., and C. A. Ward.Optical properties of the metals Al, Co, Cu, Au, Fe, Pb, Ni, Pd,Pt, Ag, Ti, and W in the infrared and far infrared. APPLIED OPTICS 22 (1983) 1099-1120. [8]Au: H. E. Bennett and J. M. Bennett, Optical Properties and Electronic Structure of Metals and Alloys, F. Abeles, Ed.(North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1966), p. 75; L. G. Schulz, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 44, 357,362 (1954); G. P. Motulevich and A. A. Shubin, Sov. Phys. JETP 20, 560 (1965); V. G. Padalka and I. N. Shklyarevskii, Opt. Spectrosc. 11, 285 (1961); G. A. Bolotin, A. N. Voloshinskii, M. M. Kirilbra, M. M. Neskov, A. V. Sokolov, and B. A. Charikov, Fiz. Met. Metalloved. 13, 823 (1962); G. Brandli and A. J. Sievers, Phys. Rev. B 5, 3550 (1972).
Experimental SPR reflection spectra Fig. 11. Plot of numerically generated resonance angle as function of refractive index of dielectric medium obtained for three different prism materials. The slope of each line indicates the angular sensitivity [5]. Fig. 10. Experimental SPR reflection spectra for water and ethanol solutions with concentrations of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 wt.% [5] [5] Gaurav Gupta, Jun Kondoh .Tuning and sensitivity enhancement of surface plasmon resonance sensor Sensors and Actuators B 122 (2007) 381–388.
用表面等离子体共振传感器测量金胶体溶液的折射率 图13浓度不同的金溶胶样品SPR角谱实验曲线[9] 图12 SPR传感器系统结构示意图[9] [9]西安交通大学物理教学实验中心特色实验项目
实验内容 1. 测量三棱镜折射率n(𝛌)。 2. 测量液体(如生理盐水、酒精)的折射率ns。 3. 测量不同折射率ns时对应共振角𝛉sp。 4. 计算金属膜的介电常数。
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