1 MAPPS Software Review Board MAPPS SRB – part II ESAC, Madrid, Spain 3 rd June 2016 ESA-ESTEC - “MAPPS Software Review Board” – MAPPS SRB - Part II, ESAC, Madrid, 3 rd June 2016 P. van der Plas ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
2 Overview Team current status Major technical issues Some lessons learned Mitigation planning Handover planning Software licenses Other technical issues AOB ESA-ESTEC - “MAPPS Software Review Board” – MAPPS SRB - Part II, ESAC, Madrid, 3 rd June 2016
3 Team current status (I) Increase of D/TEC resources agreed during last SRB The need for an additional developer was identified D/TEC support extended with on-site user support ESA-ESTEC - “MAPPS Software Review Board” – MAPPS SRB - Part II, ESAC, Madrid, 3 rd June 2016
4 Team current status (II) Colin resigned in January this year Finalising ongoing implementation efforts Handing over activities and taking remaining leave Decision by D/SCI to move MAPPS development to ESAC D/SCI to take over responsibility for MAPPS development D/TEC long-term involvement limited to consultancy role Recruitment of 2 new MAPPS developers ongoing Handover of activities and training of new team foreseen Current MAPPS development team staffing below par Increased involvement of Borja and Peter Focus on urgently needed functionality ESA-ESTEC - “MAPPS Software Review Board” – MAPPS SRB - Part II, ESAC, Madrid, 3 rd June 2016
5 Major technical issues (I) Timeline Visualisation extensions and redesign Extending the functionality with various new features Major redesign foreseen using new software technology Prototype developed, funded by D/TEC resources Optionally available in MAPPS (alpha release) Dataset, cache, scenario and configuration data management Redefining the way users work with MAPPS data Linked to the Timeline Visualisation updates (interface level) Optionally available in MAPPS (alpha release) ESA-ESTEC - “MAPPS Software Review Board” – MAPPS SRB - Part II, ESAC, Madrid, 3 rd June 2016
6 Major technical issues (II) Planning rules first implementation Based on ExoMars planning requirements Generic implementation reusable in future missions Rules definition file format available shortly Additional requirements could be incorporated Experiment and observation data modelling updates Fixing a number of urgent bugs mainly for Solar Orbiter Implementing generic data flows at experiment level Provide similar functionality at observation level ESA-ESTEC - “MAPPS Software Review Board” – MAPPS SRB - Part II, ESAC, Madrid, 3 rd June 2016
7 Major technical issues (III) Observation editor (SOOP Kitchen) Possibly linked to Timeline Visualisation update Linked to Planning Module (opportunities and constraints) Planning Module framework Conceptual design in cooperation with missions Implementation of framework (see presentation part I) 3D Visualisation Display Renderer integrated and delivered (irregular bodies, limbs) Some minor updates and bug fixes still ongoing (D/TEC) Setup for future missions (starting with Mars scenario) ESA-ESTEC - “MAPPS Software Review Board” – MAPPS SRB - Part II, ESAC, Madrid, 3 rd June 2016
8 Some lessons learned Management of large (composite) JIRA issues Follow a dedicated “project” approach for these Do not underestimate the total effort involved Allocate a dedicated developer and monitor progress Involve the user early in testing and validation Quality versus Quantity Focus on software quality, robustness and documentation Implement generic solutions reusable in future missions Do not let urgent user needs impact proper software design Do not allow prototype code in the main development ESA-ESTEC - “MAPPS Software Review Board” – MAPPS SRB - Part II, ESAC, Madrid, 3 rd June 2016
9 Mitigation planning (I) Borja (0.5 FTE, increase 0.2 FTE) Generic AGM version (objects, frames) Mission specific parser for ExoMars TGO Documentation and testing (AGM v1) Federico (1.0 FTE, no change) ExoMars planning rules Urgent bug fixes Software releases User Support ESA-ESTEC - “MAPPS Software Review Board” – MAPPS SRB - Part II, ESAC, Madrid, 3 rd June 2016
10 Mitigation planning (II) Peter (0.7 FTE, increase 0.55 FTE) Experiment and observation data modelling updates Planning Module conceptual design Team management (until handover completed) CCSDS Mission Planning and Scheduling standardisation ESA-ESTEC - “MAPPS Software Review Board” – MAPPS SRB - Part II, ESAC, Madrid, 3 rd June 2016
11 Handover planning Peter Training of new team members Software design and implementation (all modules) Handover (and possible improvements) of many topics Software development and maintenance approach Coding standards and developer guidelines User and developer documentation approach Software verification and validation approach Federico Configuration management and bug reporting migration to ESAC Software automated build and testing approach Borja AGM handover and training ESA-ESTEC - “MAPPS Software Review Board” – MAPPS SRB - Part II, ESAC, Madrid, 3 rd June 2016
12 Software licenses Formal role of the ESLB for any ESA software going public Reduce the risk for any liability of ESA violating any 3 rd party licenses MAPPS is owned by ESA (IPR vested in ESA) Current D/TEC activity getting MAPPS licenses approved Formal code survey using the Black Duck software Minor code changes required (ongoing) Runtime license and source license (LGPL v3) options ESA community license (versus Open Source license) Same process for OpenIGS (ESA IPR, 3D visualisation library) Approving licenses by the ESTEC LLB D/SCI responsibility regarding software distribution Export outside member states controlled by IPC Many missions have cooperation agreements covering exchange of software Approving licenses by the ESAC LLB ESA-ESTEC - “MAPPS Software Review Board” – MAPPS SRB - Part II, ESAC, Madrid, 3 rd June 2016
13 Other technical issues Other bugs to be considered? Other features to be considered? Other tasks to be considered? ESA-ESTEC - “MAPPS Software Review Board” – MAPPS SRB - Part II, ESAC, Madrid, 3 rd June 2016
14 AOB Any other business? If not, have a nice weekend! ESA-ESTEC - “MAPPS Software Review Board” – MAPPS SRB - Part II, ESAC, Madrid, 3 rd June 2016