Ch. 6-8 Skeletal System
Time to start learning bones
BONES OF THE SKULL 1. Frontal - anterior portion above eyes 2. Parietal – one on each side of the skull, just behind frontal bone 3. Occipital – forms the back of the skull and base of the cranium 4. Temporal – forms parts of the sides and base of cranium 5. Sphenoid – wedged between several other bones in anterior portion of the cranium 6. Maxilla – forms upper jaw 7. Mandible – lower jaw, only moveable bone of the skull
TOPOGRAPHY OF THE SKULL Foramen - refers to any tiny opening, nerves and blood vessels leave this opening to supply the face Mental Foramen
Suture - refers to any connection between large bones (in fetal skulls, these are called fontanels) Fissure - any wide gap between bones
Sutures: 1. Coronal - between frontal and parietal bones 2. Lambdoidal - between occipital and parietal bones 3. Squamosal - between temporal and parietal bones 4. Sagittal - between parietal bones
Bones of the Skull & Sutures Fontanels - “soft spots” of an infant’s skull, see p anterior fontanel, posterior fontanel, sphenoid fontanel, mastoid fontanel
Foramen Magnum * Assignment: Skull Labeling – Large opening through the underside of the skull, spinal cord enters skull
The Rest of the Bones
Vertebrae Neck = cervical Middle Back = thoracic Lower Back = lumbar
Thoracic Cage (Ribs), 12 pair - True Ribs – first seven pair, attach directly to STERNUM by costal cartilage -False Ribs – last 5 pair - Floating ribs – last 2 pair
Pectoral Girdle: (Shoulder) 2 clavicles (collar bones) & 2 scapula (shoulder blade)
Bones of the Arm Upper arm – Humerus. Lower arm: Ulna goes to pinky (P-U) Radius goes to thumb
Carpals (wrist) 8 small bones Fingers: *Metacarpals (middle) *Phalanges (end)
Name the carpals for extra credit on test.
Pelvic Girdle
Bones of the Leg * Upper leg (thigh) - FEMUR. * Lower leg – tibia & fibula. *Ankle and Upper foot – 7 bones called TARSALS, *Largest is the heel bone called the CALCANEOUS Toes – Metatarsals, Phalanges
Bones of the Ankle Assignment – Skeleton Labeling For Test Calcaneous Tarsals Metatarsals Phalanges
Types of Joints (articulations) Ch. 8 1.Synarthrotic (not moveable, aka sutures) 2.Amphiarthrotic (slightly moveable, vertebrae) 3.Diarthrotic (moveable joint, aka synovial joints) --these joints are enclosed within a fibrous capsule which contains a lubricating fluid called SYNOVIAL fluid.
Types of Joints: (p. 260) 1. Ball and Socket-most movable ex. shoulder & hip 2. Hinge- ex. humerus & ulna, knees & fingers 3. Pivot- projection of 1 articulates w/ a ring or notch of another ex. atlas & axis, radius & ulna 4. Saddle- gives us dexterity; opposable thumbs only ones
FUN FACTS ABOUT BONES * Bone is made of the same type of minerals as limestone. Babies are born with 300 bones, but by adulthood we have only 206 in our bodies. The giraffe has the same number of bones in its neck as a human: seven in total. The long horned ram can take a head butt at 25 mph. The human skull will fracture at 5mph.