Tuesday September 1, 2009 EQ: How can lab safety affect your lab results? –¿Cómo puede la seguridad del laboratorio afectar sus resultados del laboratorio? Journal: –How did you prepare for todays quiz? If you could go back and prepare differently what would you do? ¿Cómo usted se preparó para el concurso de hoy? ¿Si usted podría ir detrás y prepararse diferentemente qué usted haría?
Monday August 31, 2009 EQ: How do SI units relate to mass, volume, and length? Agenda –Fill in Planner (Complete a planificador (concurso martes) –Journal (Diario) –Lab Safety (Seguridad del laboratorio ) –Metric Quiz (Concurso métrico )
Lab Safety
1. Goggles- Should always be worn when using chemicals. They will protect your eyes from splatters or spills.
2. No Eating or Drinking- You run the risk of ingesting (eating/drinking) poisons. Also make sure your hands are clean when you finish doing a lab.
3. Chemical Contact: Make sure you wear gloves if your teacher tells you to. If a dangerous chemical touches your skin it needs to be cleaned off FAST!!!
4. Smelling Chemicals: Never smell the chemicals directly. Wafting is moving the smell of the chemical from the container to your nose. It is safer because it is not so strong.
5. Dispose Lab Materials Correctly: Make sure you understand what to do with all of your supplies and chemicals when you are cleaning up after an experiment.
6. No Horseplay/ Goofing Around: Horseplay can lead to spills, fires, broken containers, damaged equipment, and injuries to lab partners.
7. Fire Safety: Be careful around any open flames. Watch hair, clothing, papers, and other lab materials. Locate the fire blanket and remember to stop, drop, and roll.
8. Better Safe than Sorry: If you have any questions about what to do in a lab ask your teacher or another adult.
Safety Symbols Eye Protection Wear safety goggles when working with chemicals, flames, or heating devices. If a chemical gets in your eye, flush in water for 15 minutes and notify the teacher.
Sharp Objects When using knifes or other sharp objects always walk with the points facing down. Cut away from fingers and body.
Electrical Safety Do not place a cord where someone can trip over it. Never use electricity around water. Unplug all equipment before leaving the room.
Fire Safety Tie back hair and loose clothes when working with open flames. Never look into a container as you are heating it. Heated metal and glass looks cool, use tongs or gloves before handling. Never leave a heat source unattended.
Chemical Safety Read all labels twice before removing a chemical from the container. Never touch, taste, or smell a chemical unless instructed by the teacher. Transfer chemicals carefully!
Hand Safety If a chemical spills on your skin, notify the teacher and rinse with water for 15 minutes. Carry glassware carefully.
Disposal alert This symbol appears when care must be taken to dispose of materials properly.
OPEN FLAME ALERT This symbol appears when an open flame is being used and could cause a fire or explosion.
CLOTHING PROTECTION SAFETY This symbol appears when substances used could stain or burn clothing. A laboratory apron should be worn when this symbol appears.
POISON SAFETY This symbol appears when poisonous substances are used
Whats wrong with this picture?
Whats Wrong With This Picture?
Whats Wrong With These Statements? Hal says that his teacher is solely responsible for preventing laboratory accidents. Keshia started the lab activity before reading it through completely. Ricardo decided to do a lab activity that he read about in a library book before the teacher came into the classroom. Stephanie says that the safety goggles mess up her hair and give her raccoon eyes. She refuses to wear them. Barbie and Ken accidentally break a beaker full of some chemical. Instead of risking getting in trouble they quickly clean up the mess with paper towel and throw it in the garbage.