ENDOWMENT What did we learn in 2008 that we can apply to plans for 2020? 1
Vision and Mission What does your church hope to accomplish with its endowment? How does your endowment potentially improve the world beyond your parish? 2
Fitting into the larger context How do these visions and missions fit into the larger structures of: Your parish your convocation Your community Your diocese The national church The worldwide Anglican community 3
Role of Endowment Directors What is the role of directors of church endowment? Does the endowment serve the parish, too? How do they carry out this responsibility? What attributes do you look for in a director? What characteristics do you look for? Where within your parish do you look for director candidates? Do you have outside directors? Why? 4
Fiduciary Oversight How are portfolio performance reports presented at your director meetings? What would you like to know from directors of other endowments about how they conduct their financial progress reviews? Who presents performance reports to your directors? How often during the year is performance reviewed? 5
Any New Reporting Practices? Have you adopted any changes in the way financial updates are presented? What advantages do you anticipate or have you experienced as a result of these changes? 6
Investment Practices Have you made recent changes: Introducing new types of investments? Changing asset allocations? Utilizing target allocations? Regarding the volume of trading activity? Additional… Are you seeing benefits to any of these changes? 7
Differentiating Personal Investment and Endowment Oversight What are the differences you see between personal investment tactics and endowment investment tactics? How do these differences inform what you might do to prepare endowment directors for their roles? 8
Social Responsibility Have you considered adopting guidelines for socially responsible investing for your endowment? What might make such an approach possible in the future? What examples within the Episcopal Church framework might help address socially responsible investment? 9
Investment Performance What has been your experience on endowment portfolio return recently? What can we learn from each other’s experience? 10
Distribution Policies Do you distribute a fixed percentage or do you set your percentage year to year? If you set it year to year, do you have a ceiling identified? A floor? Do you use a trailing three year average? A trailing five year average? A trailing 12 quarter average? A trailing 13 quarter average? 11
Changes to Distribution Policies Have you recently made any changes to your distribution policy? How is that working for your parish? When you make changes, are their implications for your endowment fund agreements, if you have written agreements? How do you handle that? 12
Making your Annual Distribution Decision When during the year do you project what your distribution will be? If you are setting a percentage year to year, how do you decide what that will be? What type of written communication flows between your Vestry and Endowment Committee or Foundation? What other communication practices do you utilize in connection with your distributions? 13
More Endowment Policies Do you have questions about policies for other parish endowments: o Bylaws o Gift Acceptance Policy o Endowment Fund Agreement o Named Gift Policy o Guidelines for Establishing New Endowment Funds o Investment Policy Statement o Distribution Policy 14
Building Endowment What do you do to attract gifts to your endowment? If you invest in professional support or collateral materials, how do you pay for those? Do you maintain any unrestricted funds in your endowment? 15
Why Give? What will motivate a donor to give to your parish endowment? Is giving motivation today the same as it has always been? If you are experiencing changes, what are they? 16
What are the implications of donor gift direction? Do you have donor designated endowment funds now? What do these accomplish for your parish? What would you like to see going forward? Are there advantages to funding values or strategies instead of specific programs? How can we make this doable with endowment? 17
Six Ways to Grow 6 ways to grow together: 1.Annual Report of the Foundation – show the opportunity to donors; 2.A regular gathering of Parish Leaders and Endowment supporters; 3.A Foundation Sunday each year; 4.Calls by those with endowment commitments on those who may have an interest in giving; 5.Stories of giving 6. An annual query of endowment giving interest, varying method of delivery. 18
Responsibility Assignments Who in your parish is responsible for attracting new gift commitments to endowment? How is this responsibility coverage is working for you? How might it be improved. What challenges do you face? What are realistic ways these challenges might be answered? 19
What are your hopes and dreams for your parish? Do these hopes and dreams inform some additional ideas for endowment management and endowment building? Do these ideas suggest conversation and presentation topics to explore in more depth at future CEEP conferences? 20
What did we learn in 2008 about endowment? 21
What does our new knowledge suggest for future plans? How can our experience in 2008 make us better parish stewards as we prepare for 2020? How can the presence of our endowment make our parish more vibrant and dynamic? How do we better integrate endowment building with parish strategies generally? 22
Living successfully with what is Does your parish have endowment policy restrictions that need special consideration? What are they? What ideas have surfaced during our conversations together that might suggest useful pathways to dealing with these restrictions? 23
Vision and Mission Revisiting the visions and missions that opened our conversation, do we have new thoughts to add now? 24