Highlands Presbyterian Church Children’s Sunday Highlands 7 th Birthday Celebration! Congrats 2016 Graduates!


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Presentation transcript:

Highlands Presbyterian Church Children’s Sunday Highlands 7 th Birthday Celebration! Congrats 2016 Graduates!

Come to Vacation Bible Camp!! June 27 to July 1 9 am to 3 pm Join us for FUNBible Study Games WorshipSinging Arts & CraftsOutdoor Ed Parents & kids invited to a Bonfire on Thursday from 6 to 8 pmAges 4 to 14

Call to Worship One: Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim God’s greatness! All:Let the whole world know what he has done! One:Sing to God, Sing God’s praises! All:Tell everyone about God’s miracles! One:Exalt in God’s holy name; All:worshippers of the Lord, rejoice!

*Song – He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands He’s got the whole world in His hands (4 times) He’s got you & me brother in His hands (3 x) He’s got the whole world in His hands.

He’s got you & me sister in His hands (3 x) He’s got the whole world in His hands. He’s got the wind & the rain in His hands (3 x) He’s got the whole world in His hands. He’s got everybody here in His hands (3 x) He’s got the whole world in His hands.

Prayer Dear God, we thank you for bringing us together here this morning - to worship you, to celebrate milestones, to learn about you and your Word to us, And to express our care and concern for one another. Bless our worship celebration this morning. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Matthew 4:19 And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.’

*Song – Twelve Disciples There were twelve disciples Jesus called to help him: Simon Peter, Andrew, James, his brother John, Philip, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddeus, Simon, Judas, and Bartholomew. He has called us, too. He has called us, too. We are his disciples, I am one and you. I am one and you! (

Pentecost Introduction

Scripture Reading - Acts 2:39 “The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off – for all whom the Lord our God will call.”

Holy Moly Pentecost Video

Time for Reflection

*Every Time I Feel the Spirit Every time I feel the Spirit moving in my heart I will pray. Yes, every time I feel the Spirit moving in my heart I will pray. Upon the mountain, when my Lord spoke, Out of God’s mouth came fire and smoke. Looked all around me, it looked so fine, till I asked my Lord if all was mine.

Every time I feel the Spirit moving in my heart I will pray. Yes, every time I feel the Spirit moving in my heart I will pray. Jordan river, chilly and cold, it chills the body but not the soul. There is but one train upon this track; it runs to heaven and then right back.

For Teachers Thank you, Mary Kay! Thank you, Krissy! Thank you, parents, for bringing your kids regularly to learn about God & faith!

For Sarah Vita Thank you, Sarah, for sharing your gifts with us in church, Sunday school, and the office as a transForming leader! Many blessings to you in the summer at Camp Johnsonburg and for whatever door God opens next for you!

Congrats Graduates! Katie Van ValenBS from Rutgers U. Johnny HagueBA from Full Sail U. Ben Van Valen Rachael Brown Jessica Brown Eric Moore Our Prayers are with you now & in the future!

For Highlands 7 th Birthday “For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, to give you a future with hope.” This promise is alive and well and you are invited to help make it so by actively sharing your gifts and talents with our faith community!

Musical Offerings

Our Gifts, Tithes & Offerings God’s grace and love wash over each one of us like a giant wave at the ocean – Powerful and cleansing, Strong and true. Let us now offer up to God that which is most fitting as a response to God’s grace and love… as we offer our gifts, tithes, offerings – and our very lives for God’s use this day…

Closing Prayer

Closing Song

YOU Are Welcome to join us for a picnic outside by the office!