Government in Saudi Arabia
Keep in Mind How are the USA and Saudi Arabia similar? How are they different? How can they cooperate to solve problems? In what areas do they compete?
Arabia Felix Inhabited by desert nomads and traders, the Romans took control in the 100’s AD but soon left. Trade in frankincense made Arabians very wealthy and happy, hence “Felix”
Islamic Conquest In 622 CE, Muhammad (pbuh) received the Quran from Allah. By 630 CE (year 8 on the Islamic calendar), an Islamic Empire began to rapidly expand. The Islamic empire swept across Africa into Spain, greatly contributing to Spanish culture and learning (al-godon, al-gebra, Andalusian flamenco)
Ottoman Arabia Turks from Central Asia conquered the Byzantine Empire, Syria, Arabia and Egypt about the 1100’s. Arabs consider this time a dark era, where tribal factions decayed a once proud culture With the help of the British, Abdul Aziz al-Saud rebelled against the Ottomans during World War I, and founded Saudi Arabia in 1932
Basic Law of 1992 By royal decree, the Constitution of Saudi Arabia is the Holy Quran, the Sunnah and Hadiths of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Saudi Arabia is an Absolute Monarchy Basic Law serves as government outline 83 Articles include.. – Article 5 Only sons of Abdul Aziz and their descendants may be king, each kind may pick their successor from the group (he had 37 sons from 16 wives. – Article 9 requires Saudi families to be Muslim – Article 14 gives profits from all natural resources to state – Article 24 commits state to protect and maintain Holy Places
Basic Law of 1992 ctd – Article 32 state to limit/prevent pollution – Articles 39&40 state to monitor speech and communication to enforce Islamic values – Article 43 Saudi subjects allowed direct appeal to King for justice – Article 45 establishes Ulema (Islamic scholars) as final judicial authority under King – Article 57 allows King to dissolve Royal Council at his discretion
Current Structure Absolute Monarchy over 13 provinces Consultative Council of 150 appointed members. Half of these are to be eventually elected, when the King decides it’s ok. No political parties, though different Islamic sects (Wahhabi Sunnis most powerful, 60 others exist in the Kingdom) exert influence at the Royal Palace
Map of Saudi Arabia
Emigration and Immigration Issues Many upper and middle class Saudis leave the Kingdom for work and education in Europe and the USA. Saudi Gov. has imported nearly 5 million workers, from engineers to house maids. – Abuse/rape of female workers has led to strict hiring procedures for house workers – Except for highly skilled workers, all guest workers must be Muslim
Saudi-US Economic Comparision Saudi Arabia State controlled economy of 564 billion USD/year Average annual gross income $23,200 – 52nd worldwide 14-17% unemployment rate Petroleum industry dominates exports ($203 billion in sales 2007) Provides 17 % of US oil, 16 % of Japanese oil Ave month net teacher salary $2100 USA Free Market Economy of trillion USD/yr Average annual gross income $42028 (USD) – 1 st of 216 states and territories worldwide 4.6% unemployment rate 49% of US exports are capital goods like manufacturing machinery Ave month net teacher salary $4055
Cooperation and Competition What are 3 areas in which the United States and Saudi Arabia can cooperate to solve mutual problems? What are 3 areas in which it makes sense for the United States to compete with Saudi Arabia, and vice versa?