All Wales HR Directors Meeting Cardiff 19 th September 2007 Workforce Modernisation in Mental Health Services - additional information courtesy of Roslyn Hope Director NIHME National Workforce Programme Barry Foley & Marjorie Kingston
What does NWW mean for Psychologists? Psychologists should be integral members of multi disciplinary teams Psychologists need training in leadership skills to make a contribution throughout their careers New levels of worker should be developed at bands 4,5 &6, supported by qualified psychologists, to expand access to services The competences and contribution of bands 7-9 should be described and differentiated Education and training should be reviewed internally by the BPS, access broadened to other professions for elements and for psychologists at pre-chartered levels
What does NWW mean for AHP’s? Actively involving service users and carers in the delivery of education and training and as partners in their own care Working across boundaries and leading the development of mental health services Using a competence based approach to service delivery and the Creating Capable Teams Approach Promoting values based practice, through incorporating the 10 Essential Shared Capabilities in training and continuous professional development
What does NWW mean for OT’s? Integral members of multidisciplinary teams Working flexibly to ensure timely and accessible services Introducing and embracing new roles and implementing innovation Working in partnership with service users and carers to put their needs and aspirations at the centre of planning and intervention
What does NWW mean for Nurses? Responsibility and accountability in extended new roles is an issue for all non medical staff- further work underway, led by NMC Extended and senior roles are welcomed, but need to be planned into the service Acute Inpatient Skill Mix is not a problem with a single, numbers focussed, solution; nurses are key but not the only profession to consider; report to be produced December 2007 Collaborative solutions to non medical prescribing need further development to avoid problems of non use of training
And for Non Professionally Affiliated / Qualified Bringing new people into the workforce Support, Time and Recovery Workers target by December 2006 exceeded Handbook produced in draft Positive practice widespread e.g. assistant and associate practitioners, case managers in IAPT Scoping of all non professionally qualified staff showed them as significant members of the workforce, but data could be better Skill mix of qualified: unqualified nurses very variable, particularly between inpatient and community services
What does NWW mean for NPA/Q staff? They are key members of a team and need to be considered in terms of what added capability they can provide to meet service user need They can be much easier to recruit They need planned training and supervision Teams and services need to consider and actively plan for them, not have them imposed They need to be part of a career framework Qualified staff need to supervise them as an essential part of their role They can provide opportunities for employment for people with experience of using services
What does NWW mean for Pharmacists? Staffing is hugely variable across the country There are opportunities to develop the role of the pharmacy technician to fill gaps Service level agreements for medicines supply are equally variable in cost and quality, but there are some examples of good practice which will be shared A medicines management framework in mental health is necessary and is in preparation Leadership development is required for Trust leads in medicines management-including medical and nursing directors and chief pharmacists Service users and carers are very keen that communication is enhanced about medicines
What does NWW mean for Social Work? Social workers need to seize the opportunities to influence traditional NHS values and culture Have expectations of, and training for, leadership Develop skills in improving the evidence base for social work/ social interventions Be seen as equal candidates for development and promotion in the NHS
What does NWW mean for Primary Care? Ensuring high volume and rapid access to the appropriate level of need [stepped care] Breaking down the mind/body divide Developing proactive care for people with long term conditions in primary care Providing advice about a service user you have not seen and receiving it from another professional. Sharing care
“Assisting and supporting you on the road to service improvement and delivery” Barry Foley of Damascus Service Limited Marjorie Kingston Workforce Development NLIAH Mobile