What do you call the form of government in Japan by which the ruler is an absolute dictator ? How did the Tokugawa Shogunate preserve peace in Japan?
TOKUGAWA SHOGUNATE - establish political system - sakoku (seclusion) HOW DID JAPAN BECOME OPEN FOR FOREIGN TRADE? Matthew Perry – US Commodore message--- Millard Fillmore Suffer the same fate Books, guns, clocks, perfume and sewing machine What were the provisions of the Treaty of Kanagawa? -Open 2 ports – Shimoda and Hakodate -Treatment to shipwrecked sailors -Foreigners permission to trade -Extraterritorial rights
Losing control Mutsuhito –young emperor 15 years old What did they request? New government Meiji – enlightened rule----Meija Era What’s the plan? Civilization/enrichment/industry/ Heavy study-borrowing of tested models and technologies
Give up lands Sent Japanese to study foreign ways (Europe and N. America) -Tomomi Iwa-Kura WHAT WERE THE THINGS THEY FOLLOWED? Centralized government Disciplinary formation for army Universal public education Germany America INDUSTRIALIZATION 20th century Railroad, rails, coal and ship production, modern factories,
HOW DID JAPAN PROTECT ITS SECURITY AND MEET ITS ECONOMIC NEEDS? Empire building ---- imperialistic 500, 000 soldiers SINO-JAPANESE WAR CAUSE: Japan and China considered Korea an important trading partner and trading post Agreement – do not send armies to Korea China broke out
WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS: EFFECTS: China was defeated Treaty of Shimonoseki – China compelled the independence of Korea JAPAN gained its first colonies – Formosa, Pescadores Island and Liaotung Peninsula
What is the cause of Russo-Japanese War? Russia denied the demand of Japan to withdraw Manchuria Attacked the Russian troops at Port Arthur WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS? Russia lost and abandoned its expansionist program Treaty of Portsmouth What were the provisions of the Treaty of Portsmouth? - Sakhalin Island & Liaotung Peninsula -Special fishing rights along Siberian coast -Japan’s rights in Korea
1905 – attacked Korea 1910 – Korean gave up his control; Japan controlled Korea HOW WAS KOREA UNDER JAPANESE OCCUPATION? Forbade public protest Shutdown newspaper Took over schools – Change from Korean language and history Took land away Encouraged Japanese businessmen ; forbade Koreans Modernized Korea