Protein sequences alignment and protein modeling 唐世杰老師實驗室 : 廖吉隆
Protein sequences alignment
Proteins sharing a significant degree of sequences similarity and structural resemblance are said to be homologous. PNAS (2000, 97, )
The amino acid sequences of human hemoglobin, Bos taurus and Mus musculus show a strong degree of homology.
If same kind of proteins share homology, it can be revealed through alignment of their sequence is using powerful computer programs. 1.VectorNTI 2.Genedoc We can use protein sequence alignment to search unknown protein you interesting.
Protein sequence databases provide enormous resources for sequence comparisons. 1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) 2. Expert Protein Analysis System (ExPASy)
Protein modeling
SWISS-MODEL is a fully automated protein structure homology-modeling server, accessible via the ExPASy web server. The purpose of this server is to make Protein Modelling accessible to all biochemists and molecular biologists worldwide.
Similar protein sequence Modeling Alignment Unknown protein structure
作業 將分配到的 protein 上 NCBI 尋找 amino acids sequence , 介紹其功能,加分 ( 介紹蛋白結構或其它特性 ) ;並做 3 個不同物種的 ( 人,小鼠,斑馬魚 or 其它物種 ) alignment 分析,使用 Genedoc 轉成圖檔 。 在 Protein data bank 找尋 3D 結構,使用 PDB viewer 分析 轉檔出結構。
(1) PI3K (8) Topoisomerase (2) P21 (9) DNA helicase (3) P53 (0) Hemoglobin (4) GAPDH (5) NF-kB (6) Caspase 8 (7) AMPK