5 minute prompts Creative Writing I
Prompt #1: Ain’t No Mountain High Enough Describe a mountain you have climbed. A mountain can be a hill, part of a trail that’s an incline, or an actual mountain. A mountain can also be an obstacle in your life, something big you’ve had to overcome. Talk about the easiest parts and the steepest parts. Talk about the side trails. Talk about the summit. Talk about the views. What did you discover while scaling this mountain? What makes you glad about this experience? What regrets do you have?
Prompt #2- Pack rat! Describe an object in your home or room that serves no purpose but you can't bring yourself to part with. Tell me why it's so important to you.
5 minute prompt #3: "I want to write something that will..."
Writing Prompt #4 Use this as your first line: They had been waiting since sunrise.
Writing Prompt # 5 Write about a time you were either very very hot or extremely cold--- and try to include something visual in every single sentence (a color, a description of an object, a metaphor). The idea behind this exercise is to combine two senses at the same time--- the visual and the tactile. ***…. Turn in prompts 1-5 TODAY!
Writing Prompt #6
Writing Prompt #7 Baking chicken. What does this remind you of? Just start writing.
Writing Prompt # 8- “Tools” Hammer, wrench, nails... Describe your or your character's toolbox and its contents. Once you've done 5 minutes' worth, go back and circle the three most interesting; the three most expensive; and the three most utilized.
Writing Prompt #9 "Cat, Kitchen, Window" In two sentences, describe a cat. "Cat, Kitchen, Window" In two sentences, describe a cat. In two sentences, describe a kitchen. In two sentences, describe the view out the window. ….now, create a short story using the elements above. The TONE of the story is ANGRY
Prompt # 10- "What You're Wearing Right Now " Describe what you are wearing right now in specific detail-- down the textures, the patterns, clasps, hooks, zippers, buttons... Once you have finished the whole five minutes, go back and circle the three details that would provide the best, most vivid description of your outfit.
Writing Prompt #11 Who is your Knight in Shining Armor? Who is your Knight in Shining Armor? …Boys: Who is your fair maiden?
Writing Prompt #12 Describe your ideal reading space. Do you sit in a chair? Couch? Bed? Towel on the beach? Do you like a cup of tea? Glass of wine? Coffee? Cookies? Scones? Iced tea? Are you wearing your pj's? Sweats? A cozy sweater? Bunny slippers? Give us the perfect picture of you and a good book. :-)
Writing Prompt #13 "When I think of fall..." "When I think of fall..." …Make it a poem!