Organisational structures
Today’s session we will: Understand how businesses are organised to achieve their purposes This will help with assignment one (task 3) This counts towards LO2, Assessment Criteria P3 & P4
Introduction: The structure is the shape of an organisation Organisations create the structure to best meet their purposes For example, Oxfam have a section concerned with media & public relations; another with managing its shops and others concerned with organising famine relief around the world
Purpose: Division of work: So everyone clear about their own and others roles and related tasks in the organisation Establish lines of control & communication: To avoid conflict and individuals making decisions that contradict others Establishes chain of command
Types of organisation structure: Function – e.g. production, marketing, accounts Geographical area – e.g. North West, Wales, Midlands, London Product groups – e.g. Tesco will be divided in terms of grocery, homeware, electrical, etc Customer type – e.g. banks have separate sections for individual and business customers
Organisation charts: Show the following: Main parts of organisation, and relationship between them Relevant sections of organisation and who reports to whom How work will be divided up Span of control (number of people that individuals are responsible for) All levels of hierarchy
Activity: Using the organisational structure list provided for Leeds City College and your own research into the college, its departments and courses, develop an organisational chart to show the levels of hierarchy and functional areas within the college