The Second World War HST 112 Lecture 17 Ethan Pollock (3/22/04)


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Presentation transcript:

The Second World War HST 112 Lecture 17 Ethan Pollock (3/22/04)

Announcements Midterms – Will be returned this week in Section Paper Topics – Will be available at the end of Lecture Today NOTE: The Final Exam for this class is scheduled for May 4 from 5 to 7 p.m.

The Second World War I. The Road to the Second World War II. Axis Victories III. The Turning Points IV. Allied Victory

I. The Road to World War II 1929 Depression Begins 1933 Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany The Spanish Civil War 1938 Germany annexes Austria – Munich Agreement A. German Aggression and “Appeasement” B. The Spanish Civil War C. The Ribbentrop—Molotov Pact

II. Axis Victories 1938 Germany annexes Austria – Munich Agreement 1939 Germ. Invasion of Poland 1939 Nazi-Soviet Pact 1940 Germ. Invasion of France 1941 Germ. Invasion of USSR A. Blitzkrieg in Poland and France B. Battle of Britain C. “Operation Barbarossa” – Invasion of USSR

III. The Turning Points US Enters the War 1941 North Africa – Invasion of Italy (1943) The Siege of Leningrad Stalingrad – 1942 and the Soviet Counter- Offensive D-Day

IV. Allied Victory --The Big Three: Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin --- The Origins of the Cold War -- Victory in Europe --The Defeat of Japan --The Horrors of War: Holocaust and Total War