Portfolio By: Fatima Henriquez
Balanced Literacy Identify and explain the components of a balanced literacy program. Balanced Literacy is a framework designed to help all students learn to read and write effectively. This balance allows students to receive the teaching needed in order to reach grade level status, while allowing students to work at a level that is not frustrating for them. Examples: Interactive writing, read out loud, writers workshop, working with words, phonics and spelling. 2
Creating a Literacy Environment A literacy-rich environment is a classroom were there is a lot of reading incorporated, charts, posters, magazines, centers, and books, and it’s more student center. 3
Assessments Name and explain reasons for multiple literacy assessments. It is important to assess students more than once, because they might be very high in reading, but really low on writing, so it is important to provide students with multiple literacy assessments, because one test is not enough. What are some common assessments used in CCSD schools? Some common assessments used in the CCSD are: Sand Diego Quick, DIBELS & AIMSweb, Formative Vs. Summative, Slosson, Trophies Pre- theme assessment, and more. What will you do with the results of your assessments? With the result of the assessment I will accommodate the students in groups according to their strengths and weaknesses. I will also keep records to see if the students are making any improvements through out the school year. 4
Scheduling Morning Message (5min) Oral Language (30min) -Sharing Literature, 8H- Big Book listen and Respond -Phonemic Awareness, 8H- Phoneme Substitution; Focus on /i/ Word Work (30min) -Phonics, 8 I Introduce: Long Vowel /i/ing -Spelling, 8K Present; Word Sort -Vocabulary, 8K Review: touch, twelve 5 Create a schedule for the 110-minute literacy block.
Scheduling Language Arts (45min) -Shared Writing, 8M Theme Word Chart -Writing Prompt Have children write about how they would travel to their favorite place. -Grammar, 8N Introduce: Describing Words: -er, and est Daily Language Practice I mit take a trip? ( might, trip.) Morning Message: 5min Oral Language: 30min Word Work: 30min Language Arts: 45 _______ Total: 110min 6
Management of Groups Describe techniques and procedures for managing literacy groups. - Time should be limited about 10-15min at each literacy group to keep students interested and busy. Share management strategies you might use. -I would use a chart, and each table had a color. 7
Management of Groups How will you make sure students are accountable during independent work times? The way I would make sure that students are not wondering around and participate in the center is by having them turn something in that shows proof that they did something. What organizational factors need to be considered in planning for this block of time? Some organizational factors that need to be considered are: time, physical room for all the literacy centers. 8
Personal Philosophy Whole group instruction: I think that whole group instruction is necessary in a classroom because most of the time, that is how most of the subjects get delivered. Small group instruction: Small group instruction should be delivered when doing centers. Students are placed in small groups because of their similar academic skills. Independent work time: Independent work time is very important because that is when the teacher notices if students are understanding the work that is being delivered, and if they can master it by their own. Homework: I think that homework should be assigned at least three days per week, with the exception that it doesn’t have to be very long. One to two pages of whatever the teacher might be working on should be necessary, because some students don’t always have the help at home as others do. 9
Ideas for Literacy Centers Present at least two creative and appropriate literacy center ideas that are standards-based. Writing Center for first grade: Students are to read a story and write a sentence about that story using all the correct mechanics and punctuation Edit the correct use of mechanics end punctuation, and capitalization (beginning of sentence) Edit for use of complete sentences 10
Ideas for Literacy Centers Writing Center for Second Grade: Students are to read the words that are the same but have different spelling and different meaning, (Homophones) they are to write one sentence for each word located that is located in the word bank Apply knowledge of high- frequency words in text to build fluency and comprehension (e.g., would, were) Use information to answer specific questions. 11
Power of Reflection Ideas for students to share work: __Readers theater__ __Book reports__ __Readers Chair__ __Using a microphone to read one or two sentences from their journal__ 12
The Need to Differentiate Why should you differentiate instruction? A teacher should differentiate instruction because not all the students will be at the same academic level. Some will be high in reading while others will be low in the same subject. There are also ESL students that will have a hard time if a teacher does not differentiate the work given. 13
Lesson Plans The key elements of a lesson plan are: Background: Content Objective(s) Language Objective(s) Nevada Standards Lesson Sequence Accommodations Materials and Resources Review/Assessment: Name and describe CCSD documents you will use to write your lesson plans. Nevada Standards, Benchmarks. 14
Teacher’s Edition What can be found in a teacher’s edition? In the teacher’s edition one can find activities and lessons that include explicit teaching and modeling that covers Language Arts, spelling, reading, Phonics, assessment, classroom management. How will you use a teacher edition in your class? I will use the teacher edition Trophies everyday, because it has a lot of activities and lesson a teacher can integrate for the class. 15
Class Experiences What were the most valuable experiences of this course? The most valuable experiences for this course were all the assignments and activities I learned that someday I will be able to incorporate in my classroom. (Assessments, Lesson Plans, Centers, and more.) What will you take with you? I will take with me all the assignments and activities we did in class, all the advice and tips the professor provided were very helpful to get an understanding on how the CCSD works. 16