It puts the teacher under the microscope. All the faults of the teacher are observed. The observer gives a constructive feedback.
Complexities of learning to teach in a classroom situation are: Scope and content of matter to be conveyed. Need to teach for a relatively long duration of time. Off which some students have a hostile temperament. Pressure of length of the lecture. Need to face large number of students.
Advantages of Microteaching It focuses on sharpening and developing specific teaching skills and eliminating errors. It enables understanding of behaviors important in classroom teaching. It increases the confidence of the learner teacher. It is a vehicle of continuous training for both beginners and for senior teachers.
It enables projection of model instructional skills. It provides experts with supervision and constructive feedback. It provides for repeated practice without adverse consequences to the teacher or his students.
Disadvantages of microteaching It involves increased time and effort. The various teaching skills cannot be discriminated. It cannot individualize the learning of the teacher. No constructive feedback. No opportunity to re-teach the lesson to implement what is learnt from the feedback. It is adversial towards the students interest.
Mini teaching A modified concept of microteaching that was propounded by Hargie et al in Here teaching skills are practiced in a controlled low risk environment. Mini teaching provides a simple form of teaching situation and aims at gradual integration of skills besides aiming to fit the mini lesson in the real teaching program. Feedback is its essential component.
Differences between micro & mini teaching micro teaching: It has reteach lesson. It is for 5 to n10 minutes only. It involves 3 to 4 students, a supervisor & a peer if necessary. Each time only a few teaching skills are concentrated upon.
Mini teaching: No reteach session. It extends from 5 to 40 minutes. It may involve either a small group or whole class. It aims at gradual integration of teaching skills and to fit mini lessons into a real teaching program.
How to maximize students’ interaction As a teacher, you must struggle to have an effective learning environment. To create this effective learning environment, you should encourage your students to interact with you and their peers without hesitation.
Here are some tips and guidelines for what you can do to maximize your students’ interaction: Being honest with yourself. Respecting your learners. Seeing things from your students’ perspectives. Being an encourager and encouraging hesitant and shy students to interact with you and their peers. Creating a relaxed learning environment.
Building strong rapport with your students so that they can communicate with you without fear. Asking questions instead of giving lengthy explanations. Asking relevant open-ended questions not simple yes/no questions. Giving enough time for the students to listen, think and process their thoughts before speaking.
Being an active listener to every student in class. Listening carefully to their mistakes and making corrections. Trying to understand what they want to say actually. Taking necessary actions to increase their talk time and decrease his. Being a part of class not head of it.
Encouraging cooperation when needed and setting competitions at suitable time. Increasing confidence level of students.