MODFLOW – PART 3 File formats, importing models, solvers, trouble-shooting
Inputs are set of text files Each package has its own text file NAM (name) file references other files MODFLOW Input Files
Each MODFLOW package has a unique format
MODFLOW Input Files Example RCH and DRN files
GMS imports MODFLOW 88, 96, 2000, 2005, NWT GMS exports MODFLOW 2000, 2005, NWT Inputs saved to a directory with ProjectName_MODFLOW Right-click on MODFLOW and select Open Containing Folder MODFLOW Input Files with GMS
Model created outside of GMS File | Open command and select the NAM file MODFLOW 88 – open the BAS file Importing MODFLOW Simulations
GMS stores MODFLOW inputs using text files and an HDF5 binary file Allows for faster file i/o Allows for compression of large data sets GMS MODFLOW with HDF5
MODFLOW | Export Native MF2K text Takes data stored in HDF5 file and puts it into the text files GMS Native MODFLOW Text
Importing Visual MODFLOW From Visual MODFLOW Run MODFLOW from Visual MODFLOW Modify and rename the “*.mfi” file Go to the directory where the simulation is saved on your computer Copy the “*.mfi” file to “*.mfn” Comment out WHS and NDC lines if necessary Edit any paths that are referenced in the file This is necessary if the Visual MODFLOW files were not created on the computer you are on Open the *.mfn file in GMS
Importing Groundwater Vistas From Groundwater Vistas Open the simulation in Groundwater Vistas Open the “*.gwv” file Export the native MODFLOW files from Groundwater Vistas Select “Model | MODFLOW (or MODFLOW 2000) | Create Datasets” From GMS Open the NAM file
Importing PMWIN and ModelMuse From PMWIN Select Models | MODFLOW (Flow Simulation) | Run Prior to MODFLOW running the model inputs will be generated From ModelMuse Run MODFLOW This will create NAM file and other input files From GMS Open the NAM file
SIP - Strongly Implicit Procedure SSOR - Slice successive over-relaxation PCG2 - Pre-Conditioned Conjugate Gradient PCGN – PCG with nonlinear controls GMG - Geometric Multi- Grid DE4 – Direct Solver LMG/SAMG - Link-AMG MODFLOW Solvers
Basic Solver Options Max number of iterations Iteration stops at this point regardless of convergence Convergence tolerance Iteration stops if max head change is less than this amount Acceleration parameter Controls the amount of adjustment made to heads at each iteration Options =1.0 Default value. Head changes standard amount determined by solver <1.0 Head change is reduced. Improves convergence but results in slower solution >1.0 Converges faster but may be unstable
Solver Comparison Using MODFLOW 2000 Run on Intel Core2 Quad CPU 2.4 GHz Initial condition the same for all solvers Starting heads = constant value OR Starting heads = top of grid HCLOSE =.001 RCLOSE =.001 (all solvers except SIP)
Solver Comparison Case #1 Woburn model HUF package 8 layers 152,880 cells SIPPCG2SAMGGMG 980 sec*64 sec39 sec87 sec *had to reduce acc. param to 0.25 in order to converge
Solver Comparison Case #2 One layer model Unconfined 96,000 cells Injection Wells Extraction Wells Head = 110 m Head = 90 m SIPPCG2SAMGGMG 5 sec*6 sec2.5 sec6 sec *had to reduce acc. param to 0.1 in order to converge, large flow budget error
Solver Comparison Case #3 Same as previous Increased num cells to 216,000 Injection Wells Extraction Wells Head = 110 m Head = 90 m SIPPCG2SAMGGMG 16 sec * 15 sec6 sec13 sec *had to reduce acc. param to 0.05 in order to converge, large flow budget error
Solver Comparison Case #4 Same as previous Changed to transient 4 stress periods, 10 time steps Injection Wells Extraction Wells Head = 110 m Head = 90 m SIPPCG2SAMGGMG 50 sec*120 sec55 sec110 sec *had to reduce acc. param to 0.05 in order to converge, large flow budget error
Solver Comparison Case #5 Two layer model Unconfined Steady state 600,000 cells SIPPCG2SAMGGMG 587 sec*56 sec29 sec40 sec *had to reduce acc. param to 0.05 in order to converge
Solver Comparison Summary Num. CellsNum. Layers Trans.SIP*PCG2SAMGGMG 152,8808No ,0001No ,0001No ,0001Yes 50* ,0002No *had to reduce acc. param in order to converge, some of the models had large flow budget error
Wetting and Drying With MODFLOW solvers, if head drops below bottom of cell, the cell becomes dry and is “turned off” Can occur during any portion (iteration) of solution process, not just at end of time step
Head overshoot Model parameters Transient movement of water table What Causes Cell Drying?
Head Overshoot Initial Condition Starting head “Final” head Bottom elevation Solver guesses how much to adjust head downward Computed head Cell goes “dry”, and is turned off during remainder of simulation “Final” head Bottom elevation After One Iteration
Eliminating Head Overshoot Starting head Starting head is closer to final head Bottom elevation Improve Starting Head Estimates “Final” head Reduce Acceleration Parameter Starting head “Final” head Bottom elevation Iteration #1 Iteration #2 Iteration #3
Model Parameters In many cases, cells are going dry due to: Recharge too low K too high Etc. Solution Adjust parameters to better calibrate model
Transient conditions will cause heads to fluctuate and cells to go dry Particularly an issue for multi-layer models Transient Water Table
New version of MODFLOW released in 2011 Designed to solve nonlinear problems due to unconfined conditions or nonlinear boundary conditions Best solution for wetting and drying UPW – Upstream-Weighting Package Used in place of BCF, LPF, or HUF Alternative formulation of groundwater-flow equation NWT – Newton Solver Package Solves asymmetric matrix MODFLOW-NWT
Trouble Shooting Models Why won’t my model run? Improper initial condition Improper aquifer properties Improper boundary conditions Use Model Checker Look in the LST (listing) file *.out file for GMS MODFLOW simulations