FGDC Business Update Leslie Armstrong FGDC Steering Committee Meeting April 17, 2006
2 Framework Data Standards 2006 CAP grants awarded Fifty States Initiative Roles and Responsibilities of Senior Agency Officials Subcommittees and Working Groups Geospatial Profile Geospatial Guidance for Federal Grants
3 Framework Data Standards Approved by International Committee on Information Technology Standards (Committee– L1) Revisions Submission to American National Standards Institute
4 Base Standard Transportation Elevation Cadastral Hydrography Governmental Units Orthoimagery Geodetic Control Air Rail Roads Waterways Transit Framework Data Themes
CAP Grants Awarded Category 1: Metadata Trainer and Outreach Assistance Category 2: Framework Client Development Category 3: Fifty States Initiative Category 4: Canadian-US Spatial Data Infrastructure Project Category 5: Geographic Information Integration & Analysis
6 1.Metadata Trainer & Outreach Assistance Northern Arizona University Flagstaff, AZ Strategic Consulting International Tulsa, OK National Biological Information Infrastructure Seattle, WA Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA Alaska Fisheries Science Center Seattle, WA
7 2. Framework Client Development Richland County, ND Image Matters LLC Leesburg, VA geoLeaders, LLC Burlington, MA
8 3. Fifty States Initiative State of Minnesota Oklahoma Conservation Commission North Carolina Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources Connecticut Geospatial Information Systems Council State of Texas State of Wisconsin Louisiana State University and A&M College State of Wyoming West Virginia University Towson University State of New Hampshire, Office of Energy and Planning
9 Advancing Statewide Spatial Data Infrastructures in Support of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Strategic and Business Plan Templates For use by all stakeholders in the Geospatial Community Produced by NSGIC for the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC)
10 4. Canadian-US SDI American Lung Association of Maine mapping infectious diseases across New Brunswick Maine border.
11 5. Geographic Information Integration & Analysis New Jersey Office of Information Technology Channel Islands Regional GIS Connecticut Geospatial Information Systems Council Pend Oreille County, WA Benton County-State of Arkansas
12 Steering Committee Roles & Responsibilities Overseeing coordination of geospatial data using the Clearinghouse and GOS portal Overseeing coordination of geospatial investment management Collaborating with the agency CIO to leverage agency geospatial information investments Attending all FGDC Steering Committee meetings Promoting allocation of agency resources for effective spatial data stewardship
13 Steering Committee Roles & Responsibilities Cont’d Communicating key national geospatial activities Appointing an agency rep to serve on the Coordination Group Appointing reps to FGDC subcommittees and/or working groups Promoting agency compliance with FGDC standards Voting on adoption of FGDC standards Promoting coordination and partnering in the development of the NSDI Serving as a champion for the use, value, and benefits of geospatial info
14 Subcommittees & Working Groups
15 FEA Geospatial Profile Companion to Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Reference Models to recognize and promote the pervasive nature of geospatial capabilities in lines of business across government Audience: Agency chief architects and CIO staff in federal, state, or local government Objective: to develop consistent methodology to call- out geospatial elements of all aspects of government business
16 Geospatial Profile Outline Executive Summary Introduction to the Geospatial Profile Objectives Audience Document Structure Introduction to Geospatial Concepts Cross-cutting nature of geospatial Overview of Geospatial Capabilities The NSDI Business Reference Model Data Reference Model Service Components Reference Model Technology Reference Model Performance Reference Model and Maturity Model Appendix A: References Appendix B: Glossary Appendix C: FEA Overview Appendix D: Use Case and Scenarios Appendix E: Geospatial Activity Examples for BRM Appendix F: Geospatial Business Language Appendix G: Geospatial Service Components Appendix H: Geospatial Standards List Appendix I: Acronym List
17 Next Steps Working on revised outline and content for Version 2.0 to be completed later in 2006 based on comments received through AIC/FEA PMO Conduct pilot project in two phases: Interpretation of Profile by IT/business staff in several organizations new to the document Implementation pilot of identified capabilities of common re-use potential among agencies
18 Geospatial Guidance for Federal Grants FGDC Team has Drafted Geospatial Grants Language Policy Guidance to Federal Agencies Builds upon OMB Circular A-16 Grantees should consult GOS portal; provide metadata; follow FGDC standards Grants posted at Grants.gov Provides sample language for Grants Office
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