Structures, Strategies and Compositions Data Gathering Attacking Strategy – Fast Break
Today we will... Develop Homework answer – Description of the fastbreak Peer mark past paper question on developing performance of a SSC Developing fastbreak. Issue Homework for Thursday 14 th March Supported Study Wednesday 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Homework Feedback
Homework feedback Homework codes used in PE Excellent of the standard expected Satisfactory, some key content / information missing Unsatisfactory, not of the level required. Must redo/improve any homework highlighted as red REDO
Homework Question Complete data gathering question by adding a section to explain how you completed the role effectiveness observation schedule. Use key content/marking criteria to traffic light your homework G/Y/R Self Assessment Using the key content on the next two slides review your answer. Make a note in your homework jotter of any content you missed.
Introduction – purpose of data gathering what did you want to know Video recorded three competitive games, why this was appropriate Used video to complete fastbreak observation schedule Describe Fast Break Observation Schedule Broke fastbreak into 5 component parts, theses were Used ( ), ( ) also made a comment for every fast break Making a comment helped us better understand our strengths and weakness because it provided us with more information. For example What did you discover Why appropriate Used video to complete Strategy Analysis Describe Strategy analysis observation schedule Assessed both offence and defensive strategies, name 5 strategies What did you discover Why appropriate Strategy Analysis Fastbreak Analysis
Used video to complete role effectiveness Describe role effectiveness observation schedule Assessed each individual player, true picture Assessed each players performance of the skills involved in the fast break Could identify whether player was playing the correct position, rule out individual weaknesses being responsible for team weakness, Used ( ), ( ) What did you discover Why appropriate Role Effectiveness
Homework Question Describe a structure strategy or composition you have used in an activity of your choice.(4) Fast Break Video Clip Click Here To View
Common Errors – did you make any of these Process involved including how the ball is turned over Centre wins a defensive rebound by blocking out his opponent and catching the ball at the peak. of his jump. Point Guard moves from his defensive position at the top of the key to the wide channel. He does this so that the centre does not have to pass through the key. Speed and Width throughout (complete the blanks below) All three lanes are now filled ensuring we are able to attack with speed and width. By attacking with speed we are able to……………………. This ensures that which ever player receives the ball from the point guard has an ……………... By filling all three lanes we pull defenders away from the ………….... and the ……… Creating space for the point guard to drive up the middle lane at speed. By pulling defenders away from the key it…………………… When each of these options should be used (complete the paragraph) The point guard where ever possible will look to use option 1. However the option selected will be influenced by the defence. If the defence mark or put pressure on the forward the PG will use option 2 as the centre will be free. Option 3 would normally be used when
Possible variation or adaptation to question Describe a structure strategy or composition you have used in an activity of your choice. Give specific reference to the role you played and why you were suited to that role. (6) Structure to above question Purpose of the fast break Players involved Process involved including how the ball is turned over Options for varying your structure strategy or composition (options 1-3) When each of these options should be used SPEED and WIDTH throughout Your role Specific skill and physical attributes required to perform that role What special qualities do you have that help you to fulfil your role.
Model Answer Peer Marking
Peer marking task Task one Review example answer to the question below. (click here to view) Award answer the mark you feel appropriate out of __________ Identify two strengths of answer Identify one development need Question Describe how you developed your performance of your chose Structure, Strategy or Composition(6)
Homework Due Thursday 14 th March Task 1 Describe a structure strategy or composition you have used in an activity of your choice. Give specific reference to the role you played and why you were suited to that role. (6)