Copyright © 2005 Avicenna The Great Cultural InstituteAvicenna The Great Cultural Institute 1 Student Assessment
2 Assessment of student learning or learning through assessment Friedman 2000
3 Examinations are formidable even to the best prepared, for the greatest fool may ask more than the wisest man can answer Charles Caleb Colton,
4 Assessment can provide: 1.A measure of the level of student performance 2.An indication of the effectiveness of the teaching situation 3.A measure of the appropriateness of the content input
5 Questions to ask before choosing assessment instrument: 1.What should be assessed? 2.Why assess? 3.Is the assessment instrument valid? 4.Is the assessment instrument reliable? 5.Is the assessment method feasible?
6 What should be assessed? Harden(1979)suggested that many teachers failed to address this question with sufficient guide
7 What should be assessed? Educational objectives reflects Performance to be exhibited by a learner before being considered competent Mager 1984 An educational objective is an intended result of instruction, rather than the process itself
8 Educational objectives The task student is to perform The conditions under which the performance should be exhibited The level of performance that will be considered acceptable
9 Educational Objectives and Evaluation If we have objectives that are important to achieve, that is, if there is a genuine need for them to be achieved because a meaningful consequence would result from achievement or non-achievement, then it is also important that we find out if that achievement was accomplished. We cannot do so by comparing one student with another, we can only do so by comparing performance of each student with the performance called for by the objective. -R.F. Mager
10 Changing the examination system without changing the curriculum had a much more profound impact upon the nature of learning than changing the curriculum without altering the examination system. — G.E. Miller
11 Assessment process INPUT (Lesson content) PROCESS (Teaching) OUTPUT (Student performance) Focusing on the output measures, although educationally sound, goes against natural instincts of many teachers
12 Output measures should contain: A knowledge component A skill component An attitudinal component
13 Evaluation provides necessary information to guide better educational decision-making and it should be build into all phases of program construction.: need assessment to help identifying educational objectives (context), evaluation of the human and material resources and program elements (the inputs), monitoring of implementation (educational process) and performance of the learners (the output).
14 Why Assess? 1.Assessment is an integral part of the learning process in which students are informed of any weaknesses and of how to improve on the quality of their performance
15 Why Assess? 2.Assessment illustrates progress and ensures a proper standard has been achieved before progressing to a higher level of training
16 Why Assess? 3.Assessment provides certification relating to a standard of performance, e.g. the award of a degree.
17 Why Assess? 4.Assessment indicates to students the areas of a course which are considered important.
18 Why Assess? 5.Assessment acts as a promotion technique
19 Why Assess? 6.Assessment acts as a means of selection for a career or as an entrance requirement for a course
20 Why Assess? 7.Assessment motivates students in their studies
21 Why Assess? 8.Assessment measures the effectiveness of training and identifies curriculum weaknesses
22 Miller - Van der Vleuten learning assessment pyramid Tests of Knowledge: Clinical Based Tests: Does Shows How Knows How Knows Competence Assessment: Performance Assessment: Real patients, Videos, Logs, Undercover SPs Observations, OSCEs, SPs PMP, Practicals, Essays, Orals MCQ, CRQ, SAQ
23 Categories of Assessment Instruments Multiple Station Exams: –OSCE, OSLER, OSPRE Written Assessments: –MCQs, CRQs, PMPs, –Essays, Short Answer –Practicals –Diagnostic Thinking Inventory –Progress Tests Portfolio Assessments: –Logbooks, Portfolios Observation: –Checklists –Rating Scales Simulations: –Standardized Patients –Simulations, Models –Role Playing Student Assessment: –Self-Assessment –Peer-Assessment
24 Difference between methods and instruments Method of travelConveyance Method of assessment Instrument By land Train, bus, car PerformanceChecklist By sea Ferry, liner, speedboat Written Essay, MCQ By air Helicopter, jet, glider
25 Range of assessment instruments: Essays Patient management problems Modified essay questions Checklists OSCE Projects Constructed response questions Objective tests Critical reading papers Rating scales Tutor reports Portfolios Short case assessments Long case assessments
26 Formative and summative assessment are two important concepts which direct the design of an assessment system
27 Summative Evaluation Summative (certifying) evaluation allows the faculty to pass a judgment on whether a student succeeds or fails; and used to justify decisions on whether a student should move up to the next class and/or awarded a diploma.
28 Summative Evaluation: Uses Protection of the Society: certification of competence Selection of the Students: admittance to a course Program Evaluation: feedback to the Teacher Motivation of the Students: incentive to learn
29 Formative (diagnostic) Evaluation: Assessment of Progress feedback to the Student Program Evaluation feedback to the Teacher
30 Formative assessment is usually contrasted with summative assessment in the following way: When the cook tastes the soup, that's formative evaluation. When the guests taste the soup, That's summative evaluation
31 Formative assessment could become a powerful tool shaping students’ performance Bloom and Hastings 1971