David Luebke 1 7/5/2016 CS 551/651: Advanced Computer Graphics Review for final
David Luebke 2 7/5/2016 Final Project l Final project: n Due 5 PM, Thursday May 3 (one week) n Design a 3-D game or demo with a partner n Grading: u Same grade for both partners u Graphics, playability, difficulty all factors ] Bonus: use some concept we’ve talked about u Moderate success better than spectacular failure
David Luebke 3 7/5/2016 Final Exam l Oral final exam: n Scheduled for all day Friday, May 4 u Sign up for half-hour slots u Don’t know location yet n Oral exam principles: u Depth versus breadth: a sampling problem ] Written exam: topics set in stone ] Oral exam: can dig to bottom, then sample different topics u Don’t be afraid of “I don’t know” ] That’s the whole point
David Luebke 4 7/5/2016 Final Exam l Oral exam strategies: n Think aloud n Draw on the board n Ask for clarifications n Ask for hints u Not until you need them, of course u I generally won’t volunteer them n If you just don’t have a clue, say so and move on
David Luebke 5 7/5/2016 Final Exam l Topics: n First half: in depth look at underlying principles and important sub-fields u Ray tracing u Antialiasing u Radiosity u LOD
David Luebke 6 7/5/2016 Final Exam l Topics continued n Second half: broader survey of topics u Image-based rendering u Occlusion culling u Collision detection u Programmable shading u Perceptually driven rendering
David Luebke 7 7/5/2016 Big Topics: Overview l Ray Tracing n Basic ideas: u Ray casting u Reflection, refraction, shadow rays n Accelerating ray tracing: u Spatial partitions, hierarchical bounding volumes u Shadow cache, light buffer u Reordering ray computations
David Luebke 8 7/5/2016 Big Topics: Overview l Antialiasing: n Sampling Basics: u Convolution and aliasing u Nyquist limit n Non-uniform sampling u Why does Elvis appear in TV snow? u Poisson, Poisson-disc, jitter u Tie back to ray tracing: distributed ray tracing n Texture antialiasing and MIP mapping
David Luebke 9 7/5/2016 Big Topics: Overview l Radiosity n What problems does it address? n Basic assumptions: u Closed world u Uniformly lit patches u Diffuse interreflection n Form factors n Solving the linear system: shooting vs gathering
David Luebke 10 7/5/2016 Big Topics: Overview l LOD n Basic idea n Mechanisms: u Vertex merge/edge collapse u Decimation u Sampling/adaptive subdivision n Error metrics u Geometric: distance from surface, swept volume, quadric error metrics u Perceptual: contrast sensitivity function
David Luebke 11 7/5/2016 Big Topics: Overview l Occlusion Culling n Cells and portals u Structure: adjacency graph u Mechanisms: ray casting, linear programming, cull box n General occlusion culling u Hierarchical z-buffer u Hierarchical occlusion maps u Z-query hardware
David Luebke 12 7/5/2016 Review l Next: review of individual lectures n You pick the order n I’ll try to summarize and distill important points