T EXAS A & M U NIVERSITY Mechanical Engineering (Ph.D.): Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering
2 Mechanical Engineering Department Administration Andreas A. Polycarpou Department Head Meinhard J. Kotzebue ’14/Professor Office: 100 MEOB Arun Srinivasa Associate Department Head Holdredge/Paul Professor Office: 505 & 202 MEOB M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING
3 Mechanical Engineering Department Graduate Program Office Dr. Daniel McAdams Graduate Director/Assoc Professor Office: 212 & 411 MEOB Research: Tandilyn Phillips Senior Graduate Advisor Office: 210 MEOB Sandra Havens Graduate Program Coordinator Office: MEOB M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING
5 Graduate Advising Office Questions which can be directed towards this office: –Qualifying Exam Registration/Details –Degree Requirements & Academic Degree Process Forms –Registration (i.e. Dropping or Adding classes, Q-drops) –Transferring & Substitution Coursework –Academic Enrollment Verification Letters –MEEN 681 Seminar Course/Submit make-up for Seminar –Graduate MEEN Facebook Group & LinkedIn Group –Teaching Assistantship/Fellowships & Travel Awards Applications M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING
6 Graduate Mechanical Engineering Degrees 1.Master of Science (MS) (32 credit hrs. with thesis) es/graduate/ms es/graduate/ms 2.Master of Engineering (MEng) (30 credit hrs. non- thesis) es/graduate/meng es/graduate/meng 3.Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) (64 credit hrs./96 credit hrs. without a Master’s Degree) es/graduate/phd es/graduate/phd M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING
7 Doctor of Philosophy Requirements The Direct Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree requires a minimum of 96 semester credit hours beyond a baccalaureate degree. (For students who do not hold a master’s degree) Graded 600 level Courses + Seminar + Research credit hours = 96 credit hours Example: A typical Direct Ph.D. plan of study would be: 33 hrs. of courses+ 3 hrs. of MEEN 681 Seminar + 60 hrs. of Research = 96 credit hours. CoursesNumber of CoursesSemester Credit Hours Graduate –Level MATH courses 2 6 Graduate Courses (*Must include 2 core courses- see list) 11 min/14 max 33 minimum/42 max MEEN 681- Seminar33 MEEN 691- Researchvariable51 minimum TOTAL 96
8 Core and Suggested Mathematics Courses- Direct Ph.D. Students (96 hour) Required to take 2 of the following designated core courses: MEEN 603– Theory of Elasticity MEEN 607– Polymer Physical Properties, or MEEN 635– Flow and Fracture of Polymeric Solids MEEN 608– Continuum Mechanics MEEN 613– Engineering Dynamics MEEN 615– Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics MEEN 617– Mechanical Vibrations MEEN 621– Fluid Mechanics MEEN 630– Intermediate Heat Transfer MEEN 651– Control System Design MSEN 601– Fundamental Materials Science Engineering Suggested Math Courses (Required to take 2): MATH 601MATH 601 – Methods of Applied Mathematics I MATH 603MATH 603 – Methods of Applied Mathematics II STAT 601 – Statistical Analysis MEEN 602– Modeling & Analysis of Mechanical Systems or another graduate Mathematics or Statistics course with the approval of the student’s dissertation committee chair. M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING
9 Doctor of Philosophy Requirements The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree requires a minimum of 64 semester credit hours for those who already have a Master’s Degree Graded 600 level Courses + Seminar + Research credit hours = 64 credit hours * Graduate Courses: These course may not include undergraduate courses or 2 core courses that you already took for a Master’s degree. You cannot double count. CoursesNumber of CoursesSemester Credit Hours Graduate –Level MATH courses 1 3 Graduate Engineering Elective Courses 5 15 MEEN 681- Seminar22 MEEN 691- Researchvariable44 TOTAL 64
10 Core & Suggested Math Courses- for 64 hr. Ph.D. You may take any graduate MEEN courses or graduate courses within the College of Engineering and/or College of Science Suggested Math Courses (Required to take 1): MATH 601MATH 601 – Methods of Applied Mathematics I MATH 603MATH 603 – Methods of Applied Mathematics II STAT 601 – Statistical Analysis MEEN 602– Modeling & Analysis of Mechanical Systems or another graduate Mathematics or Statistics course with the approval of the student’s dissertation committee chair. M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING
11 Finding a Permanent Faculty Chair Take classes from faculty of interest Search Faculty Research groups/centers on MEEN website Directly reach out via /phone/appointment with Faculty Talk to other Current Graduate Students Take Core Course(s) *Graduate students should have a permanent faculty advisor/chair by the end of their first semester. If not, please make appointment with Dr. McAdams, Graduate Program Director. M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING
12 M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING Who should be on my Degree Plan Committee ? 1 Faculty Chair 2 Faculty Committee Members = Total 3 Faculty Chair/Advisor MUST BE from the MEEN department Committee Members: A professor from the student’s area of study A professor from outside the Mechanical Engineering Department
13 M ECHNICAL E NGINEERING Ph.D. Qualifying Examinations Ph.D. students are required to make their first attempt to pass the qualifying exams before they have completed 27 semester credit hours, including MEEN 691. In other words, Ph.D. students are required to make their 1st attempt to pass the exams in 2 areas before completing their third long semester of study (not including summer sessions). Doctoral students are encouraged to take the qualifier earlier in their course of study if they are prepared. Must pass the Qualifying Exams in 2 of 9 areas. 1.Controls 2.Design 3.Fluid Mechanics 4.Heat Transfer 5.Metals/Ceramics 6.Polymers 7.Solid Mechanics 8.Thermo-dynamics 9.Vibrations A doctoral student is allowed a maximum of two attempts to pass each of the two exams
14 M ECHNICAL E NGINEERING Ph.D. Qualifying Examinations If a student fails an exam or exams, they must attempt to pass the exam or exams the next time the qualifying exams are offered. On a repeated attempt, a student does not have to take the exam in the same technical area as the previously failed exam. A student who does not pass two qualifying exams in the allowed number of attempts fails the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam and will not be admitted to Ph.D. candidacy. A doctoral student who fails the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam may: (a) Switch to a master’s program in Mechanical Engineering (provided that they do not have a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University) (b) Pursue a Ph.D. degree in another department at Texas A&M University or another institution (c) Withdraw from the Ph.D. program (d) Appeal to the departmental Graduate Studies Committee.
15 M ECHNICAL E NGINEERING Ph.D. Qualifying Examinations The Ph.D. Qualifying Exams are administered during the 3rd week of the fall and spring semesters every year, but not during the summer sessions. Students may register for these exams by completing a “Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Request” form and submitting it to Mrs. Sandra Havens, Graduate Program Coordinator, in Room 211-MEOB. To prepare for an exam, students may obtain a syllabus for the exam and a copy of the two previous exams in the area from Mrs. Havens at To pass an exam, a student must score 70% or higher. A student scoring between 50% and 70% may be asked to take a follow-up oral exam. A student scoring 50% or lower fails the exam. An exam committee may choose to give a student a conditional pass for which the student must satisfy certain requirements by the end of a given period after the exam, specified by the committee. A Ph.D. student who fails to pass an exam on his/her 2nd attempt will be given an oral exam in which the student will have a final attempt to pass the exam.
16 How to apply for a research assistant (GAR) position? In order to apply for a RA, a student must contact the professor in their area of interest. The professors handle funding and will be able to inform students about openings for research positions. Visit assistantships/ assistantships/ M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING
17 What does a research assistant (GAR) do? Research Project usually externally funded (federal, industry) Lab experiments Data reduction/analysis Write reports and papers Attend conferences Write a thesis (MS) or dissertation (PhD) for a degree M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING
18 How to apply for a teaching assistant (GAT) position? About two months prior to a new semester, applications are distributed to all the graduate students through the Mechanical Engineering department newsletter. In order to apply for a TA, complete the application and submit it online through the link provided by the graduate office. Visit for more info: information/graduate-assistantships/ information/graduate-assistantships/ M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING
19 What does a teaching assistant (GAT) do? Teach Teach lab sections Run experiments Teach discussion sections Grade lab reports Prepare homework solutions Grade homework Hold office hours M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING
20 M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING International Student TA Requirement International students whose native language is not English and who wish to apply for a TA position must fulfill an English Proficiency Certification requirement. The English Proficiency Certification is required before a graduate student is eligible to serve as a TA or in any other position considered to be a teaching position. It is best to meet this proficiency requirement early in a student’s program. Contact the Data & Research Office at (979) , to arrange a test. Visit for more informationhttp://
21 Performance Review for TA & RA As a TA or RA, you must perform your duties satisfactorily. Your supervisor or thesis/dissertation advisor will review your performance regularly and report poor performance in writing to the graduate program office, which will inform you of the poor performance reviews and will discuss with you on ways to improve. If you do not improve after two of these poor performance reviews during a semester, and there is a third poor performance review, you may not continue as a TA or RA. M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING
22 Continuation of Teaching Assistant Appointment For you to continue to be a TA, you must: 1.Perform your duties satisfactorily 1.Maintain an overall grade point average of 3.0 or above for all of the courses you take 2.Pass all of the English Language Proficiency Exams (ELP Exams) before the end of the Fall 2015 semester (if you are an international student). You should attempt to obtain an RA from one of the professors so that you may begin your thesis/dissertation research and complete your graduate study as soon as possible. M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING
27 Registration Full-time Status: 3 classes (9 semester credit hours) is considered full-time during the Fall & Spring semesters and 6 credit hours in the summer (if applicable). You may register for your classes online through your HOWDY portal. Your degree plan must be approved by your Faculty Chair, the Graduate Advising office, and the Office of Graduate & Professional Studies M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING
30 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Student forms Fulfill degree requirements Submit a degree plan ( Submit Petitions ( Get involved on campus Prepare thesis or dissertation Address an academic concern regarding policy, process, or regulation Meet requirements/deadlines for graduation Fellowships and grants Professional development workshops Records processing & degree progress information Confidential advice and problem solving Thesis preparation support Graduate Catalogs Office of Graduate and Professional Studies Want to know how to…..
34 Degree Plan Document Processing Submission System You must submit your degree plan online through: You have two semesters from the time you’re admitted to do so. Otherwise, you will be blocked from registration for classes. If you wish to make changes to your degree plan Submit MDD petition (Change of major, degree, or department) Submit Long form petition (Change of courses, committee members, waivers etc.) These forms must be completed and approved online. M ECHNICAL E NGINEERING
38 Office Graduate Studies Deadlines All students should be aware of the various deadlines published on the Office of Graduate Studies calendars You are responsible for meeting these deadlines so that you may complete your degree in a timely fashion! This means you must turn in your forms to the Graduate Advising Office BEFORE the OGAPS deadline for processing time! M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING
39 Payment of Tuition and Fees Pay the balance of your tuition and fees before the payment deadline. Estimated Cost of Attendance College Station Graduate Fall and Spring: Tuition and fees dates and deadlines are posted on the Student Business Service’s website at: Tuition Estimator: (The following will help you estimate your required tuition and fees for the semester.) Information for New Students: Access your statement through the Howdy Portal and pay online!Howdy Portal M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING
40 M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING Probation Policy Students with an overall GPA less than 3.0 are on Academic Probation. Full-time students who earn individual semester GPAs below 2.00 twice cannot continue in the Mechanical Engineering Graduate degree program. Full-time students who earn individual semester GPAs below 3.00 in two successive semesters (fall or spring) cannot continue in the Mechanical Engineering Graduate degree program. Full-time students who earn a cumulative GPA less than 3.00 will have two following long semesters to raise their GPA above 3.00 to be able to continue the Mechanical Engineering Graduate degree program
41 Cheating and Dishonesty We have a departmental “Zero Tolerance” policy on cheating in graduate courses, including MEEN 691 Research and MEEN 685 Directed Studies (for instance, plagiarism in the preparation of a thesis/dissertation or a report). The Aggie honor code: “An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do.” Any student who is caught cheating in a graduate course will receive an F* for the course. A second violation could result in the immediate dismissal of the student from the mechanical engineering graduate program. M ECHANICAL E NGINEERING