IBOD Programs and Services Department of Science and Technology Technology Application and Promotion Institute
Accelerates the commercialization of new and emerging technologies/ inventions by providing the necessary funding support to start-up and technology-based expansion projects
Provides financial assistance to fast track the commercialization of new and emerging technologies/inventions to increase the company’s competitiveness Targets micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs)
Regular Venture Financing covers mainly the cost of acquisition/fabrication of critical production equipment Purchase Order (PO) Financing advances the cost of raw materials to facilitate purchase orders of qualified MSMEs Regular Venture Financing covers mainly the cost of acquisition/fabrication of critical production equipment Purchase Order (PO) Financing advances the cost of raw materials to facilitate purchase orders of qualified MSMEs
Assistance Coverage Cost of acquisition/ fabrication of critical production equipment
Eligibility MSMEs who will put-up and/or expand a business enterprise using commercially-viable technologies/ inventions/ innovations and new products developed by DOST agencies and the S&T community.
Counterpart funds TAPI: 70% of the total project cost Proponent: 30% fresh funds TAPI: 70% of the total project cost Proponent: 30% fresh funds
Requirements Major Requirements: Complete Project Proposal /Feasibility Study Financial Statement for the past three (3) years, if applicable Projected Income Statement for the next five (5) years Copy of Business permits and licenses Endorsement of DOST Regional Director Three (3) quotations from suppliers / fabricators of equipment Brief bio-data of applicant / major stockholders/ officers Major Requirements: Complete Project Proposal /Feasibility Study Financial Statement for the past three (3) years, if applicable Projected Income Statement for the next five (5) years Copy of Business permits and licenses Endorsement of DOST Regional Director Three (3) quotations from suppliers / fabricators of equipment Brief bio-data of applicant / major stockholders/ officers
Specialized venture financing facility Advances the cost of raw materials to facilitate purchase orders of qualified micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) Specialized venture financing facility Advances the cost of raw materials to facilitate purchase orders of qualified micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs)
Cost of raw materials needed to produce products/goods based on the submitted POs 70% of the project cost Cost of raw materials needed to produce products/goods based on the submitted POs 70% of the project cost Assistance Coverage
Filipino owned Enterprises Beneficiaries of TAPI Programs, Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP), and other major Programs of DOST Filipino owned Enterprises Beneficiaries of TAPI Programs, Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP), and other major Programs of DOST Eligibility
Requirements Major Requirements: Letter of intent Project proposal Copy of valid/unserved purchase order/s Audited Financial Statement Detailed cost of raw materials requirement Endorsement by the DOST Regional Office Major Requirements: Letter of intent Project proposal Copy of valid/unserved purchase order/s Audited Financial Statement Detailed cost of raw materials requirement Endorsement by the DOST Regional Office
Assists SMEs to attain higher productivity through the identification and installation of productivity improvement strategies in the agriculture and manufacturing sectors Provides focused S&T consultancy intervention/s to SMEs Assists SMEs to attain higher productivity through the identification and installation of productivity improvement strategies in the agriculture and manufacturing sectors Provides focused S&T consultancy intervention/s to SMEs
Assistance Coverage Covers professional fee and travel cost of the Consultants/ Consultancy team PRIORITY SECTORS: Food processing GHD Agriculture/horticulture Aquaculture Health Products/pharmaceuticals Furniture Metals & engineering Covers professional fee and travel cost of the Consultants/ Consultancy team PRIORITY SECTORS: Food processing GHD Agriculture/horticulture Aquaculture Health Products/pharmaceuticals Furniture Metals & engineering
Qualifications SMEs in the agricultural and manufacturing sectors that have already established local and/or international market; Beneficiary of other TAPI Programs, SETUP or other DOST Consultancy Services; and Priority would be given to those who have undergone CAPE & MPEX Programs duly recommended by the Regional Offices. SMEs in the agricultural and manufacturing sectors that have already established local and/or international market; Beneficiary of other TAPI Programs, SETUP or other DOST Consultancy Services; and Priority would be given to those who have undergone CAPE & MPEX Programs duly recommended by the Regional Offices.
DATBED Program DOST and TAPI Approach DOST Academe Technology-Based Enterprise Development (DATBED) Program One of the TAPI programs that effectively creates and establishes technology-based enterprises nationwide; and Trains students, young professionals and out-of-school youths to become an ENTREPRENEUR and EMPLOYER
DATBED Program Conceptualization - Idea generation - Idea evaluation - Project planning Implementation - Project development - Protoype development - Testing and application - IP Licensing Marketing - Production - Market launch and penetration University / University – Industry University – Government – Industry
DATBED Program Program Goal To develop FUTURE ENTREPRENUERS/ EMPLOYERS and establish TECHNOLOGY-BASED ENTERPRISES by: Providing training in enterprise development; and Providing comprehensive support requirements for the establishment of technology-based enterprises.
DATBED Program Program Components Stage I Trains students in enterprise development by providing them financial assistance for the establishment of technology-based enterprises. Stage II Provides seed fund to Stage I DATBED graduate beneficiaries for the commercialization of their technology-based enterprises.
DATBED Program – Stage I Program Description Develop entrepreneurial competencies among students in selected academic institutions. Support income generating projects with technological innovation that are not yet tested in the market but with market potential and technically viable when commercialzed.
Assistance Coverage Financial assistance shall cover operating expenses on raw materials, packaging, labeling expenses for start-up projects. Financial assistance on ICT and engineering projects shall cover materials for fabrication of the finished products ready for commercialization. DATBED Program – Stage I
Academic Requirements Data on the school’s resources (physical, technical and human) Commitment of the schools in terms of avalability of core team of advisers and management support Student-teacher ratio (25:1) Curriculum on S&T and enterprise development DATBED Program – Stage I
Components of Implementing Plan 1.School background 2.Core team of advisers 3.Project management plan 4.Selection of student-beneficiaries 5.Monitoring of students’ projects 6.Fund management plan DATBED Program – Stage I
Financing Schemes Option 1: Charge interest on the loan to a maximum of 6% per annum Option 2: Impose a share on the net earnings of the project/s with a suggested sharing scheme 85% - for students 10% - for project adviser/s 5% - for school DATBED Program – Stage I
Operating Procedure 1 School accreditation 2 Project approval 3 Fund release 4 Project implementation 5 Project monitoring 6 Graduation/ termination DATBED Program – Stage I
Program Description Assist Stage I DATBED graduate-beneficiaries for the commercialization of their Stage I projects. Provide financial assistance to the Stage I DATBED graduate-beneficiaries who have shown capability to manage the technology-based projects on their own. DATBED Program – Stage II
Assistance Coverage Financial assistance shall cover operating expenses on raw materials, packaging, labeling expenses including acquisition of equipment and personal services for the continuation of Stage I project. DATBED Program – Stage II
Stage II Financing Schemes Funding assistance is to be refunded by the graduate- beneficiaries without interest over an agreed repayment period. DATBED Program – Stage II
Operating Procedure 1 Project approval 2 Fund release 3 Project implementation 4 Project monitoring 5 Repayment DATBED Program – Stage II