General Principles for Phyto Ecert (day 1) Peter Johnston Plant Exports
Future Official Assurances! Let’s make MAF export certification mean something!!! Let’s make official certification mean something!!!
Electronic exchange of official assurances. Operates directly between an exporting NPPO to an importing country NPPO (e.g. NPPO to NPPO electronic exchange of certification data). May be used to manage & view certification data & generate paper based certificates. Specifically manages: the content of the message, the way the message is exchanged, and who the message is exchanged with. What is Ecert?
General Ecert Principles! An internet-based solution. IT solution based on user functional requirements & specifications (i.e. the business rules). Has a database component to record & manage user operations (e.g. user permissions, passwords & logons), input (e.g. records of certification requests) and system information (e.g. certification records)
Internet-based means? Server-based IT solutions that provide or consume services through the internet. Users communicate with the server-based solution by using a web browser. The solution processes the user requests and automatically facilitates communications between the appropriate participating parties (e.g. certification body)
Guiding Principles Authentication of source and security of assurance data are paramount There must be a common understanding of the certification data to be exchanged (i.e. ISPM12) Simple message transaction types Focus on transporting certification data rather than total system end-to-end functionality Loose coupling rather than tight coupling Standard rules of engagement
Ecert Business model Government CERTIFICATION Processing Plant/Store Exporter Farm Overseas Authorities Customer TRANSPORT Importer E-cert 1 2 Company Requests E-cert by supplying product information Government Agency Verify E-cert data 4 Import CA acknowledges receipt of cert data 2 3 E-cert Issues hard copy certificate 1 E-cert Issues electronic Certificate data
Reduce risks Strengthen assurances by ensuring authenticity Minimises opportunities for certificate fraud Opportunities for improved risk management & efficiencies (e.g. pre-clearance of electronic assurances) Benefits of electronic certification
Core features may include: Electronic production of hard copy certificates. Online data entry Batch (B2G) data entry Online view/verification of certificate request data Local language Use of UN/CEFACT SPS XML data Schema Online clearance of certification data Online user manual Collection of business intelligence/statistical data
How does an Ecert application work? The user connects through an internet address (e.g. The web-server “listens” for requests to specific addresses. The web-server controls access to the solution through username & passwords. The web-server passes requests from known (authenticated) users to the solution. The solution processes user requests and communicates via the internet.
Ecert is NOT! The detailed & often complex certification systems, registers & data bases (i.e. that sit in behind an internet-based Ecert solution). Faxed certificates Scanned &/or ed certificates