BY Devin, Jayleen ,and Soham, SKUNKS BY Devin, Jayleen ,and Soham,
What Skunks Look Like Do you know what Skunks look like? Well I do! They are black and it has a white line in the middle. The babies are already born with their white line in the middle. Spotted skunks have spots all over. Skunks come in different colors. For example, skunks can be brown, black, or gray. Those are some interesting facts about how a skunk looks.
What Skunks eat Skunks eat a mixture of foods which means they’re omnivores. The aquatic life they eat are fish, crayfish, and frogs. And the mammals they eat are mice, young rabbits , and Lizards. The plants They eat are grass, fruits, nuts, and leaves It’s predators are Red foxes, red tailed hawks, great horned owls, and bald eagles. That’s what skunks eat and examples of what eat them.
Skunk Adaptations Did you know that skunks have many adaptations. Skunks have thick skin, paws, and long claws that allow it to cut open a bee hive and roll bees in between its paws and kill them. A skunks black and white stripes are a warning to other animals. A skunks puffy fur allows a skunks to seem bigger than it really is. Skunks did burrows to raise their young. Skunks spray when they feel threatened. Skunks do hand stands to look frightening. These are a skunks adaptations.
Skunks Ecosystems and Habitats Did you know Skunks live in deserts and forests ? In the desert the temperature is 110 degrees . The desert is hot and mostly dry. There is not a lot of water and plants. The forest on the other hand is not too hot and not too dry. It is a home to many plants and animals for example, Skunks. There is a lot of grass and trees. There is a lot of food and water and more rain than the desert. Coyotes and Owls are other types of animals that live in deserts and forests. There are many different types of habitats Skunks live in. They live on rocky slopes. They also adopt dens at sea level. They live in shady woods and open areas with tall grass. They live on mountain tops. They live in open woodlands and dense shrubs. They also adopt burrows that other animals dig. Those are all the facts about where Skunks live.
Skunk Fun Facts Did you know that skunks spray a very stinky gas called sulfur. Sulfur stinks so bad that predator stop so that skunks have a chance to run. Skunks best smell. If you scare a skunk close to water it may swim a way. Skunks are also called polecats.