The plural of nouns and adjectives Capítulo 2B notes #2
Review In Spanish, nouns are either masculine or feminine. Ex: El lápiz (masculine) Ex: La bandera (feminine) So far we have studied singular nouns (only one). Today we are going to study plural nouns (more than one)
To make nouns plural Add –s to the word if it ends in a vowel Ex: El bolígrafo---- Los bolígrafos Ex: La carpeta----- Las carpetas Add –es to the word if it ends in a consonant Ex: el cartel---- los carteles
“Z” changes to “c” in the plural In 1sSingular nouns that end in “z”, the “z” changes to a “c” in the plural Ex: El lápiz Los lápices
Plural definite articles SingularPlural FeminineLa=the La chica Las=the Las chicas MasculineEl=the El chico Los=the Los chicos
Plural indefinite articles SingularPlural Masculine Un=a or an Un bolígrafo Unos=some Unos bolígrafos Feminine Una=a or an Una mesa Unas=some Unas mesas
Let’s practice Escuchar/Hablar p.111 (17)