A summary By Ailish McNamara
Education Law is the area of law that relates to schools, school systems and school boards that provide education to children, adults and special needs children alike.
In Ireland, all children are entitled to free primary and post primary education. Children who are newcomers to Ireland, (whether they are asylum seekers or refugees), have the same rights to education as Irish children. They must attend school between the ages of 6 and 16.
Article 42 of the Constitution deals with Education.
The family is the main source of education for the child. Parents are entitled to provide education outside the school system if they wish. The State is not allowed to force parents to send their children to any school or any particular kind of school.
Children with special needs have a constitutional right to free primary education. Children with special educational needs have the right to free primary education up to 18 years of age. Many children with disabilities or special needs are in ordinary classes in mainstream schools. They get help from learning support teachers and from special needs assistants
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