Batch = G-14 1) Patel Raj H ) Avinash ) Vishalnath ) Viren
Building Stone
A building stone may be defined as a sound rock that can be safety used in the construction of massive structures as a dressed or undreesed unit.
Uses of building stones: 1. Granites & marbles are used in the form of finely dressed blocks or slabs or columns in monumental and costly buildings. 2. Sandstones & limestones are used in forts, retaining walls, boundary constructions. 3. Slates used in many areas as roofing material for ordinary constructions. 4. Slates, sandstones are also used as flooring or paving.
1. Sand stones, limestones are used as stone/rubble masonry in buildings. 2. Basalt is used for paving blocks, railway ballast, aggreate making for concrete, for making macadam roads. 3. Limestones are widely used for making lime & cement.
Factors governing choice of building stone: The important factors which given the choice of a building stone are: 1. Cost 2. Colour 3. Durability
1.Cost It is an important factor considered in the selection of a building stone. A stone may be quite suitable for use in a building but it may still not be selected because of its high cost.
The cost of a building stone depends upone: Availability, such as its abundance & purity. Availability, such as its abundance & purity. Workability, such as the case with which it can be extrated & dressed. Workability, such as the case with which it can be extrated & dressed. Location Location
2. Colour It is the property of asthetic & gets importance only when a stone is to be used in situations exposed to public view.
3. Durability This is the property of stone, which would be given be maximum importance, in the selection of a building stone. The stone is hard & dense. There are three properties of stone of durability. 1. Structures 2. Texture 3. Mineral Composition
Pysical properties of Building stones: 1. Compressive strength 2. Transverse strength 3. Porosity 4. Density 5. Abrasion resistance 6. Frost resistance 7. Fire resistance
Geological properties of Building stones : 1. Mineral composition 2. Texture 3. Structure 4. Durability
Important Building Stones: 1. Granites 2. Basalt 3. Sandstones 4. Limestones 5. Marble
stone : Stone : The stone is always obtained from rock, The rock quarried from quarries is called stone. Quarried stone may be in form of stone blocks, Stone aggregate, stone slabs, stone lintels, Stone flags,etc.
Stone Natural bed of stone The plane along which stones can be easily split is known as natural bed of stone In stone masonry work, the stone should be used in such away that the direction of applied load is perpendicular to the natural bed of the stone. Walls
B Cornice Arch
IIn the case of the walls the position of the stone blocks should be same in which they were originally deposited. TThis position gives maximum strength to the stone work in the walls. IIn the case of arches, the bedding plane should be radial and at right angles to the face of the arch. IIn the case of cornices the bed should be vertical. Stone
SSeasoning of stones : --In makes the stone hard and compact, by exposing the stone to open air for a period of six to twelve mouths. AAll the stones should be seasoned before they are used in structural work.
Characteristics and qualities of good building stone : 1.The stone should be easily and economically obtainable in bulk. 2.The stone should be hard, strong and durable. 3.It should weather well. 4.It should have fine compact texture.
Stone 5.It should be capable to withstand the effects of smoke and acidic atmosphere. 6.The stone should be free from soft patches, flaws, cavities and cracks. 7.It should be well seasoned and easily workable.
Stone Tests for stones: Building stones are required to be tested for their different properties before they may be recommended for any specific case. 1. Acid test: 2. Water absorption test. 3. Impact test. 4. Crushing test. 5. Hardness test.
Acid test: This test is carried out on sand stone. In this test, a sample of stone about 100gm is taken and put in a solution having 1% strength of hydrochloric acid for seven days. After this the specimen is taken out and its surface examined.