Logiske funktioner i Peel
PEEL 18CV8 logic diagram
Diagram for Makrocelle
Konfiguration af makrocelle
Kredsløb for makrocellekonfig.
Eksempel: counter (1) " 2-bit Binary Up/Down Counter with Reset " ____ ____ " | \/ | " CLK { 1 20 } Vcc " CLR { 2 19 }- Q0 ( - = output ) " K0 { 3 18 }- Q1 " { 4 17 }- " { 5 16 }- " { 6 15 }- " { 7 14 }- " { 8 13 }- " { 9 12 }- " Gnd {10 11 } " |__________| " " This application uses the PEEL18CV8 as an 2 bit counter with one " control functions: clear. " CLR (Asynchronous Reset) - When CLR is set high the outputs " (Q1,Q0) will go low. When CLR is set high the counter will start " counting up with each clock. The counter counts Up=K0 and Down=/K0.
Eksempel: counter (2) "PIN ASSIGNMENTS CLK pin 1 CLR pin 2 K0 pin 3 "Outputs" Q0 pin 12 = pos reg feed_reg "All positive registered outputs. Q1 pin 13 = pos reg feed_reg "Internal Nodes" AC node 21 "Asynchronous Clear node. SP node 22 "Synchronous Preset node - not used. EQUATIONS AC = CLR Q0 = !Q0 Q1 = !K0&!Q1&!Q0 # !K0&Q1&Q0 # K0&!Q1&Q0 # K0&Q1&!Q0
Eksempel: counter (3) TEST_VECTORS ( CLK CLR K0 Q1 Q0 -> Q1 Q0 ) C > 1 1 C > 0 0 C > 0 1 C > 1 0 C > 0 1 C > 1 0 C > 1 1 C > 0 0 X 1 X 0 0 -> 0 0 X 1 X 0 1 -> 0 0 X 1 X 1 0 -> 0 0 X 1 X 1 1 -> 0 0
Program: PEEL