A Walk in the PARCC Clifford Burns, Shongum Principal Lee Nittel, Ironia Principal Mario Rodas, Center Grove Principal Danielle Soldivieri, Fernbrook Principal Cindy Mizelle, Ironia & Center Grove Vice Principal Kristin Mueller, Shongum & Fernbrook Vice Principal Evy Falcon-Duran, Supervisor of Special Education Paula Paredes-Corbel, District Testing Coordinator Katie Spencer, K-5 Curriculum Supervisor Randolph Elementary Schools
CCSS – Common Core State Standards PARCC - The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers PARCC v. NJASK Date and Test Length How are We Preparing our Students? What will PARCC look like? Accommodations Pilot Feedback Questions? Agenda
The Common Core State Standards, adopted by the NJ State BOE in 2010, define grade-level expectations from Kindergarten through high school The Common Core Standards set clear and consistent standards for students, foster students’ development of critical thinking skills and solve real-world problems, and are benchmarked to academic standards from the highest performing countries CCSS YouTube Video CCSS YouTube Video What Are The Common Core State Standards?
The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) is a consortium of states working together to develop a common set of K-12 assessments The PARCC will test on a student’s understanding of the Common Core Standards starting this school year in grades PARCC YouTube Video PARCC YouTube Video What is PARCC?
PARCC is a computer-based assessment PARCC occurs twice per year for 3 rd, 4 th, and 5 th graders (PBA-75% of year, EOY- 90% of year) One grade level will test at a time PARCC will require critical thinking PARCC emphasizes finding “evidence” in a text to support an answer/opinion How is PARCC Different from ASK?
When is PARCC? PBA Performance-Based Assessment EOY End-of-Year Assessment Grade 3March 2 – 6 * Make Up March 9 – 13 April 27 – May 1 *Make Up May 4-8 Grade 4March 9 – 13 *Make Up March 16 – 20 May 4 – 8 *Make Up May Grade 5March 16 – 20 *Make Up March May 11 – 15 *Make Up May th Grade Science NJASK May 27 *Make Up May 28
Unit TimePBA Unit 1PBA Unit 2PBA Unit3EOY Unit 1EOY Unit 2 Grade 3 ELA 75 m 60 m75 m_ GRADE 3 Math 75 m _ Grade 4 ELA 75m 90 m60 m75 m_ Grade 4 Math 80 m70 m_75 m Grade 5 ELA 75 m90 m60 m75 m_ Grade 5 Math 80 m70 m_75 m How Long Do Students Test? ****Please note that the estimated time on task for students is around 50 minutes per exam****
Extensive teacher trainings (consulting companies, in-house training, state conferences) Common Core Aligned Teaching and Curricula Literacy-Based Instruction Modified Media programs How Are We Preparing Students?
Let’s take a look… LA/Math PARCC Example LA/Math PARCC Example What Does PARCC Look Like?
Extended Time: A maximum of up to one school day is allowed to complete one test session during the prescribed testing window. General Administration Directions Clarified in Student’s Native Language: Test administrator clarifies general administration directions only. No part of the test may be clarified or translated. Word-to-Word Dictionary: Student uses bilingual, word-to-word dictionary. Dictionaries that include definitions or pictures are not allowed. The math assessment is available in Spanish for our beginner level students. Accommodations: English Learners
Only students who are currently classified as English Learners (i.e., ELL, LEP) are eligible to receive testing accommodations for English Learners for the PARCC assessments. Students classified as English Learners whose parent/legal guardian has refused language support program services are eligible for English Learner testing accommodations. Accommodations: English Learners
Accessibility Features for ALL students Accessibility Features Identified in Advance Accommodations driven by IEP/504 Plans Presentation – changes the way the test is given Response – students who have physical, sensory, fine-motor skills… Time & Scheduling Accommodations - Extended time: students have until the end of the school day to complete a single test. All accommodations will be coordinated by the CM or GC, and activated during testing through a PNP. Accessibility Features & Accommodations
5 th Grade Math (2 sections/2 days) Two 5 th Grade Classes participated Well within the time limits Students navigated the assessment screens easily Logging on went smoothly Teachers directions in manual were clear to students Students completed the test on time and were comfortable and confident Feedback Ironia Pilot 2014
Don’t create more anxiety!! Have your child practice typing at home (letters, poems, stories, etc.) Have your child practice reading on the computer (RAZ Kids, iPad Apps, etc.) Discuss your child’s reading, especially how one title connects to another What Can Parents Do?
Thanks For Your Attention Questions/Discussion Points?