Nuclear processes and what the heck is radiation?
Two types of nuclear processes FissionandFusion
Fiss- vs. Fus- FISSION: Fiss- = break down FISSION: Fiss- = break down A larger atom is broken into two or more smaller atoms A larger atom is broken into two or more smaller atoms Called splitting an atom Called splitting an atom FUSION: Fus- = build up FUSION: Fus- = build up Two smaller nuclei collide Two smaller nuclei collide to form one larger atom
Alpha radiation -- helium nucleus (2 protons and 2 neutrons) Beta radiation --electron Gamma radiation – high energy x- ray Neutron radiation – neutron (surprise, surprise) Types of Radiation
Every Day Uses of Radioactive Materials and Radiation
Non-destructive testing
Carbon Dating – uses Carbon-14 to estimate age of organic (once living) material
Locating a pipeline leak
Space batteries otherwise known as RTGs (radioisotope thermoelectric generator) Ulysses Satellite – studied the Sun The next Mars Rover – about the size of an SUV Apollo missions to the Moon
Medical Uses Picture things Picture things Measure things Measure things Destroy things Destroy things Power things Power things
Picture things like in an x-ray Measure things like in bone scans or brain scans Destroy things like in radiation treatment of cancer Power things like a pacemaker
Irradiation of Food the process of exposing food to high levels of radiation to destroy microorganisms, bacteria, and insects that might be present in the food
Kills bacteria which slows the ripening and sprouting of fruits and vegetables.
Food IS NOT radioactive after it has been irradiated. Irradiation just kills the living things inside the food.
No dairy products – irradiation activates the enzyme that makes it smell sour. Spices found in your kitchen right now have very likely been irradiated.
Irradiating food could DRAMATICALLY reduce food poisoning and massive food recalls.
Make-up is irradiated. No bacteria = no eye infection or worse! Irradiation of food is highly limited due to lack of education and acceptance
Did you know bananas are radioactive? Check the peel next time you eat one!
Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carriers and Submarines
Where is the nuclear reactor?
Radiation and You
Radiation Protection Factors Time Time Distance Distance Shielding Shielding Quantity Quantity
All substances are poisons. There are none which is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy. Paracelsus Paracelsus