5. SERVING STEPS Think of some ways and places you could serve God in the church or the youth group at Max age. What ways do you personally want to serve God in the future? What talents/gifts/abilities do you think you have or others think you have (or us Max Leaders think you have)? Rate the following: Where is it hardest to follow God? School Home Friends What makes it easier to follow God in your toughest place? Who are the major influences in your life? In what areas do you think God is really pleased about your life? In what areas do you think God may want you to work on? How do you think God feels about you? Is there anything we could pray for you about? We will give you a prayer card, you fill it in (name & prayer stuff), and we promise to pray for you. GOD
1. BEGINNING STEPS 4. FOLLOWING STEPS 3. TURNING STEPS 2. SEEKING STEPS 5. SERVING STEPS GOD THE CROWD 1. Beginning Steps are when you are just checking out God, but aren’t too interested in the whole thing. 2. Seeking Steps are when you decide - yeah, maybe I will check out God a bit more. 3. Turning Steps are when you make a decision to follow God. 4. Following Steps are when you actually start doing that - doing what God wants, not what you want. 5. Serving Steps are when you live your life as much as you can for Him, and for other people. YOU ARE HERE – Serving steps! This means that you are living your life as full on for God Each person say one thing that they love about following God. How easy is it to follow God? Not easy. How good is it to follow God? The best thing you can do! To really follow God, what are some of the things you think you should be doing? The Bible sums it up – you are required to do just 2 things – LOVE GOD & LOVE OTHERS (we’ll ask you at the end what the 2 things are). 1. BIBLE STUFF! Reading the Bible every day is the best way to let more of God into your life. It is a tough thing to do, but here are some hints: Do it every day at the same time – make it a habit. Do stuff that other people you know are doing too, so you can encourage each other. Be realistic in what you want to do. If you miss a day, don’t give up – just do the next day and keep going! But don’t just leave God to one time in your day – think about him when you are skateboarding, with your mates, doing your paper round – use that time to be with God too! What time would suit you to do a Bible reading? 2. CHURCH STUFF! Always try and get as much as you can out of youth group and church stuff – make a commitment to go even when you don’t feel like it. Always look to get stuff out of what is being talked about. Hang with people from church and other churches. Look to do stuff around church and be involved, no matter how young you are! What could you be or are you already involved with at church or Youth Group? 3. PRAYER STUFF! Praying – most of us want to do it, few of us do as much as we would want to. Discuss what a prayer journal is and whether it would be useful for you. Is your prayer important? James 5:16 says: “The prayer of an innocent person is powerful, and it can help a lot.” (CEV)THAT’S YOU! Your prayers are important & powerful! The God of the whole universe is waiting to hear from YOU! And will always listen 4. TELL OTHERS! If God is real, he would be worth sharing, right? Yet it is a hard thing to do! Try and do it anyway! Tell people about Jesus. Stick up for what is right. Ask other people to youth group. Name one person you would like to talk to about Jesus. 5. RIGHT & WRONG Pray and ask God to help you choose between right and wrong. Ask him to show you the difference and to give you the guts to make the right choices.