Brand and identity in a small HEI The role of the Principal in maintaining reputation and developing brand awareness Professor Muriel Robinson, Principal, Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Celebrating 150 Years Brand and identity in a small HEI Who are we and what have we been? 1862 Diocesan Training School Lincoln 1962 Bishop Grosseteste College 2006 Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln 2012 around 2000 students, 2 academic Schools; semi-specialised curriculum offer. Still a Diocesan foundation which welcomes students and staff of all faiths and none
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Celebrating 150 Years Brand and identity in a small HEI Recent identity challenges- twofold: Teacher education no longer the majority activity (but..) Acquisition of TDAP and university college title, with the chance to revisit name and brand
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Celebrating 150 Years Brand and identity in a small HEI The easy bit: Finding a new name- to stay with Bishop Grosseteste or not? Robert Grosseteste as role model Church identity Alphabetical advantage Continuity- a major change can be seen as signalling a problem and can lead to ‘customer’ confusion
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Celebrating 150 Years Brand and identity in a small HEI The easy bit: Finding a new style- an evolutionary journey Using external designers for the first time- but with an eye to cost The shift to (episcopal) purple ‘Our tradition, your future’
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Celebrating 150 Years Brand and identity in a small HEI
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Celebrating 150 Years Brand and identity in a small HEI
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Celebrating 150 Years Brand and identity in a small HEI Consistency and individual identity The challenge- how do we emphasise the core brand and also emphasise diverse functions? Academic subject identity Enterprise and income generation
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Celebrating 150 Years Brand and identity in a small HEI
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Celebrating 150 Years Brand and identity in a small HEI
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Celebrating 150 Years Brand and identity in a small HEI The harder bit- ongoing Addressing the identity paradox- ‘You’re the teacher training college, aren’t you?’ Yes but no.. No but yes.. To diversify or focus- which is most risky? And related questions around, for example, the prospectus- what goes where? What are prospective students looking for?
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Celebrating 150 Years Brand and identity in a small HEI Internal relationships- the Principal and the marketing ‘team’ Where should marketing sit within our structures? Who gets priority attention in a world of conflicting demands and time pressures? Which decisions should be at Principal level? How to offer direct but not privileged access to the Marketing Officer
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Celebrating 150 Years Brand and identity in a small HEI Internal relationships- the role of governors Setting strategic direction and therefore affirming/developing identity (and brand) Managing reputational risk Acting as critical friends Ambassadorial- spreading the word A key relationship- Chair and Principal
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Celebrating 150 Years Brand and identity in a small HEI How do our governors engage? Regular engagement with SLT around strategy Annual awaydays Early engagement re any big decisions An external view of how we are seen (or not - cutting down the hedges, redeveloping the entrance) Key messages cards
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Celebrating 150 Years Brand and identity in a small HEI How do we engage with governors? Early warnings re reputational risk Openness around strategic challenges Pro-active requests for major expenditure eg marketing for 2012, use of PR agency Organising media training for key governors alongside SLT
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Celebrating 150 Years Brand and identity in a small HEI What is not (usually) governor level First stage decisions around desired direction of travel Hands-on development of logo, brand, branded material and marketing materials Active involvement in preparation of press releases
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Celebrating 150 Years Brand and identity in a small HEI Handling reputational challenge- a case study The challenge: December 2010 UCU survey names BG as one of four most ‘at risk’ institutions in England under proposed funding regime- national press coverage including Radio 4 ‘Today’ Spring 2011 HEFCE funding letter and apparent major cut to our funding, looking like one of most severe in the country, resurrects the story
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Celebrating 150 Years Brand and identity in a small HEI What did we do? Pro-active preparation of media statements including marketing officer in briefing Internal messages to staff and students Activation of governors as ambassadors (especially Chair) Challenge to UCU by Chair (still awaiting proper response) Emphatic explanation of funding ‘cut’
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Celebrating 150 Years Brand and identity in a small HEI Followed by: Active profile raising – revisiting externality of SLT 150 th anniversary used as a promotion opportunity Major campus developments publicised extensively - investing with confidence in the future Increased marketing spend- major campaign Engagement of professional PR company External profile added to major risks on risk table and reported regularly to governors Chair’s parachute jump!
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln Celebrating 150 Years Brand and identity in a small HEI Did it work? Early indications are good (but BSI still unknown) Applications for up by significantly more than most HEIs 150 th has attracted strong support from community and VIPs including fundraising Significantly increased positive press coverage Partnership beginning to develop ‘Reputational reservoir’ feeling fuller again