9 th Grade Biology Room 30-B Classroom Rules & Procedures
Rule #1 No meals in class ~ Small candy/snack ONLY & you Must clean up your area to continue having this! WATER ONLY!!
Rule #2 Be Prepared for Class You need: 1. Notebook 2. Pen or Pencil 3. Notebook Paper Yes, you need it EVERYDAY... Pencils Paper
Rule #3 Be on Time – Go to the Restroom BEFORE class Room 30-B Room 30-A BOYS GIRLS H2O **DO NOT come to class, chat with friends, put your books down, find a pencil, and then ask to go to the restroom. You will not leave class!!
Rule #4 Take responsibility for yourself It is your responsibility to check the Absent Folder for missed work (YES, even if your absence is excused!) ** We will talk about this more later!**
Rule #5 CELL PHONES – We will use smartphones for CLASSROOM/INSTRUCTIONAL purposes only! This does not & will never include Twitter or Facebook & won’t be daily!
Rule #6 Stay seated until the bell rings – DO NOT STAND UP BY THE DOOR!
Rule #7 Respect Others / Show Common Courtesy NEVER get up and walk across the room during a presentation of notes. Pick up & Throw away your trash
Examples of Disrespect Talking while I am teaching or while your classmates are presenting Sleeping in class Disruptions to try to draw attention to yourself Throwing trash on the floor
Rule #8 Never, Never go into my desk, behind my desk, into the lab table, use my computer or remove books from the room without permission.
NO WHINING!!!! Everything we do in class is in your best interest. PCHS Biology scores are above the state in all areas!!!! “Just do it” with NO WHINING!!
There will be NO Extra Credit in this class! You do not get a grade for showing up to class. You do not get a grade for bringing your book/notebook to class. You do not get a grade for breathing in this class.
Daily Procedures
What to do everyday! 1. Go to the restroom, get water & to your locker before you come to class & put your stuff down. * You will not leave during class to do these things!
2. Find your seat and begin working on your bell ringer/EQ or text question – get your notebook, pen & paper out. * These will be taken up every so often for a daily grade, so you must keep up with the daily bell ringer activity!
Daily Procedures 3. Participate in your learning by taking notes, engaging in class activities, discussions, etc. Ex. If I have Powerpoint notes projected – YES, you have to write them down. Sometimes I will give you guided notes, other times, you write on your own paper.
Daily Procedures 4. Pay attention as you self assess your work – we will go over & self check a lot of your work in class using colored pencils. Honesty, people, Honesty! 5. All work turned in should have your NAME and period on it – Turn in to your class period’s slot.
What if you are absent? Check the “Absent Folder” behind your period divider. If you missed a handout, it will be there with your name on it & the date it was given. If there is nothing, you need to get the notes from a classmate. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY – NOT MINE TO GET YOUR WORK!
What if I loose my paper? Everyone gets 1 copy of handouts. Should you loose that copy, you need to go to my website to download another one or get a copy from a classmate.
What do I need to keep in my notebook? EVERYTHING!! This is a year long class with an EOCT that counts 20% of your total grade. You will also have notebook checks that count as test grades So, keep your stuff!!!
How will I be graded? This is a Standards Based Classroom. So, grading is a little different. **Example…
Following these guidelines & procedures will result in: A stress-free classroom! A pleasant & organized environment!
OR should you not… You will receive 1 warning If you continue to disrupt class, you will get a nice, interesting article pertaining to our topic of study. You will read it & write a 1 page summary to turn in the next day at the beginning of class. If you don’t do this, I will write you up for not following a reasonable request.
If you turn in the article summary, no write up & a changed attitude should be observed the next day in class.
Parent ’s contacts I will also periodically and contact parents to discuss your behavior or lack therof.