Adequacy and Compatibility: The DNA of a National Materials Program Presented at the 2014 OAS Annual Meeting 1 Stephen James, Supervisor Ohio Department of Health Bureau of Radiation Protection
What are the Options? 2
Put Lipstick On The Pig 3 What is my job?
The Holistic Approach… The working group was tasked to determine whether a revised set of performance metrics should be developed which could replace, supplement, or expand upon the IMPEP program to determine the adequacy of States’ radiation safety programs such that both the adequacy and compatibility of the program is measured holistically. 4
What is a holistic approach? In broad terms, a holistic approach simply means the properties of a system cannot be described by its separate parts – the system as a whole influences the parts. 5
An Issue since 1959… Adequacy and Compatibility were not defined when Section 274 was adopted by Congress as part of the Atomic Energy Act 6
An Adequate program provides an acceptable level of protection of the public health and safety from the radiation hazards associated with the use of radioactive materials. 7
8 A Compatible program means there is consistency between the NRC and the Agreement States which is needed in order to maintain a National Materials Program for the regulation of radioactive materials.
National Materials Program 9
Adequacy and compatibility are integral components of an Agreement State regulatory program 10 Adequacy Compatibility
How we will evaluate… 11 Common & Non-Common Performance Indicators Adequacy Compatibility
The Findings… 1. Same as the NRC 2. Different than the NRC 3. Better than the NRC 12
The Findings… Adequate and Compatible for the Protection of Public Health and Safety 13 Satisfactory in all performance indicators. Issuance of “clean” IMPEP report. No further response required.
The Findings… Adequate and Compatible for the Protection of Public Health and Safety with Required Follow-up Actions 14 Satisfactory but needs improvement in one or more performance indicators, or possibly unsatisfactory in one or more performance indicators. Required follow-up actions specified in final IMPEP report. May result in Monitoring, Heightened Oversight, or Probation for the Agreement State.
The Findings… Not Adequate and Compatible for the Protection of Public Health and Safety 15 The program is not capable of reasonably assuring public health and safety. Program will be considered for Suspension or Termination of Agreement.
The Benefits… Allows programs to establish specific and common performance goals. Will develop a clear set of performance-based metrics that provide increased flexibility. Encourages program improvement. Promote overall consistency, transparency, and objectivity. 16
Questions? 17