10 iPhone Apps to Get You Back to School by Moyea PowerPoint
#1 Open Culture
Open Culture gives you free access to a huge selection of educational and intellectual audio and video collections.
#2 Mental Case
Price: $4.99 Mental Case lets you create oh- so-handy flashcards on your iPhone and have access to FlashcardExchange where you can choose from over 21 million cards on a huge range of topics.
#3 Rate My Professor
Rate My Professors is a useful app in deciding what courses you want to try to get into and which ones you should probably ditch before the add/drop period is over.
#4 A: myHomework
You can use the free app to intricately plan how much of each assignment you want to accomplish and by what date to really keep you on track.
#4 B: iStudiez Pro
iStudiez Pro is a paid app ($2.99) that will help you keep track of your student life.
#5 Free Translator
Free translator is a great way to help you learn another language, as you can discover words that are more relevant to your life.
#6 Chegg
Chegg is a free app to help you to save your time and money when renting your books.
#7 Blackboard Mobile Learn for iPhone
Blackboard is a platform that many schools use as way to communicate with students, as well as posting their grades and assignments to private student accounts.
#8 Quick Graph
Quick Graph a graphic calculator with 2D and 3D capabilities. It’s also capable of displaying explicit and implicit equations as well as inequalities in both 2D and 3D, in all standard coordinate systems: Cartesian, polar, spherical and cylindrical.
# 9 Formulus Free – Formulas for Calculus
Formulus Free is an app that can help you to find the right formula easily for your equation. The free app has all your algebra, geometry and differential equation needs in one easy-to-find place.
#10 Free Books
Price: $1.99 Once you’ve paid for the app, you have easy access to 23,469 classics at the swipe of a finger.
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