What Every Parent Ought To Know…
1. “Great parents” don’t always guarantee “great kids”. One of the most distorted verses in Scripture is “train up a child when he is young …”
2. It’s all about influence. Show me a kid’s friends, and I will accurately tell you what kind of kid you have (or will soon have).
3. Parenting teenagers is the simple process of “stretching the cords of dependence” so that one day soon, they will be able to live independently.
Balance in discipline. Balance in scheduling activities. Balance in studies. 4. Balance is everything.
5. The youth group at church is your best ally on the planet. Not just “church”. Church can be a very big and impersonal thing for some students. It’s all about relationships that make the difference.
6. Great parents find the “bent” of their students and gently guide them to move that way. Notice it is the “bent” of the student, not the parent.
7. Winning parents are consistently consistent!
8. “I am sorry”, “I was wrong”, and “will you forgive me” are often heard from great parents of teenagers.
9. At all costs … avoid the trap of comparison. That tells you more about your own needs and shortcomings than it does theirs!
10. Let your home be the “home base” for your kids friends. Don’t be the hover-craft. Let their friends see a normal Christian life in action.
The Top 10 Ways to Help Your Students Abandon Church!
THOU SHALT … routinely schedule personal or family events that conflict with church services or activities.
THOU SHALT… hold back from developing healthy Christian friendships in your own life, lest your students learn the joy and benefits of Christian friendships.
THOU SHALT… look at criticism as your friend and your ability to criticize as “your right”.
THOU SHALT… do your best to be on time for soccer practices, piano lessons, and school events, but show no worry if you are late for church.
THOU SHALT… bring your family to church when: a). you have nothing better to do b). you are going through a personal crisis with your student c). you feel really guilty about something
THOU SHALT… refuse to volunteer for any kind of commitment to church. Stress the concern about hurting “family time” as you think about helping out at church.
THOU SHALT… complain loud and long about how much time, money, and effort the Youth Ministry is costing you.
THOU SHALT… remind your students how imperfect the church leaders are, and regularly point out their mistakes.
THOU SHALT… encourage (force) your students to find a job that requires them to work on Sundays and Wednesdays.
THOU SHALT… turn over entirely the spiritual growth and training of your student to the Youth Pastor and volunteer leaders.
5 Things I Can Do Right Now! 1.Sign Up! 2.Live It Up! 3.Shut Up! 4.Sit Up! 5.Speak Up!