Youth Representatives to Boards & Commissions Citizens for a Better City
Need CBC seeks to support Falls Church City Schools, City Council and Boards & Commissions, and Civic Groups by: Engaging a broader group of the City’s citizens, and promoting civic leadership development: Getting busy adults to fill seats on Boards & Commissions, as well as with civic groups, is a major challenge Parents become engaged when their children are involved Many City Boards & Commissions have vacancies At the same time, finding meaningful volunteer opportunities for youth and engaging citizens is an on-going challenge
Plan CBC’s plan is to: Offer Boards and Commissions, as well as Civic Groups, the opportunity host 2 youth representatives each Boards & Commissions, as well as Civic Groups, can self-select whether to host Youth Representatives for a one year term beginning in the Fall of Youth representative seats will be non-voting and youth will not participate in closed sessions. Will give youth a meaningful voice in our community and help better engage parents in civic issues.
Support Ties into pilots & emerging initiatives in community: School Board’s successful pilot of Student Representative Housing Commission exploring concept GHMS’s IB Diploma “Creativity, Action, Service” (CAS) requirement can be fulfilled as Youth Representative Ties into goal of creating new diploma program with service learning & civic engagement for broader range of students Supported by City Manager Wyatt Shields, Schools Superintendent Dr. Jones, & GMHS Principal Byrd Falls Church City Council, CBC, and VPIS Boards voted unanimous approval of concept
Goals This initiative will: 1. Create opportunities for youth to learn about civics at the local level in a hands-on way to prepare future generation of citizens 2. Give students opportunities to volunteer in meaningful ways 3. Enhance students’ college and job applications 4. Better engage parents & peers in civic life 5. Demonstrate Falls Church City’s commitment to youth by giving students a voice in decisions
Promotion CBC will promote opportunities by working with: Principal Students & SGA Teachers Guidance Counselors Student Government Students in Civics Courses FCC Civic Groups PTAs Community-at-Large
Eligibility Eligible youth will include: All high school students living in FCC Homeschooled & private school students Sophomores will be especially encouraged to apply in spring so can volunteer in junior year Special effort to encourage those students who otherwise may not have leadership opportunities Selection process will focus on students’ interest & potential, rather than past achievements
Application Process Simple application focused on what student hopes to contribute & get out of experience Also how they will share what they learn Applicants asked to try to attend meeting of Board, Commission, or Civic Group in mid-Sept to mid-Oct before interviews begin in mid-Oct For initial round, applications available Sept 15 th & Due Sept 30th
Selection Broad-based Youth Representatives Recommendation Committee (YR2C) will CBC VPIS Falls Church Democratic Committee Falls Church Republican Committee All Civic Groups that wish to participate YR2C will receive & review applications, get principal recommendations, & interview candidates in October 2014 YR2C will make recommendations to City Council Appointments Committee & relevant Civic Groups by October 20 th
Selection Criteria & Recognition Candidates will be recommended to achieve broad representation from City youth Will be selected based on their interest, commitment, and potential as a Youth Representative Youth Representatives to Boards & Commissions will be sworn in by City Council, & have opportunity to present to Council during term; Youth Reps to Civic Groups will be elected by their governing body and by laws Youth Representatives should have responsibilities and a clear role that is realistic for them to balance with academic, athletic and social priorities
CBC Support CBC will work with City Council, City staff & YR2C to: Provide protocols & guidelines, based on lessons learned by School Board Conduct workshop for Youth Representatives & host Boards & Commissions, as well as Civic Groups, in November 2014 To help clarify roles, expectations, and how best to protect, guide and engage Youth Representatives
Our thanks to City Council CBC’s Youth Reps Committee thanks City Council for your support of the Youth Representatives initiative: Carol Loftur-Thun, Chair & CBC 1 st VP Jerry Barrett Craig Cheney Paul Handly Lindy Hockenberry Ron Peppe
Q & A