What future for rural Oxfordshire? Future for rural Oxfordshire, March 15
The Campaign to Protect Rural England CPRE stands up for the countryside: to protect it from the threats it faces, and to positively shape its future. Future for rural Oxfordshire, March 2015
Oxfordshire Formed in the 10 th Century A product of its landscape Most rural county in south east Over half of us live in small towns or villages Future for rural Oxfordshire, March
Population Stats Oxfordshire236,000605,000654,000 South Oxfordshire52, ,177134,000 South Oxfordshire population density: 1981 – 173 people per square kilometre 2010 – 193 people per square kilometre Future for rural Oxfordshire, March 2015
Development in Oxfordshire What development is currently planned? Is it ‘over-development’? What can we do about it? Future for rural Oxfordshire, March 2015
Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) ‘responsible for championing and developing the Oxfordshire economy’ Board = businesses / Universities / most of local planning authorities Unelected and no democratic accountability Future for rural Oxfordshire, March 2015
Oxfordshire Strategic Economic Plan (SEP), March ,600 jobs by 2031 Knowledge spine Public consultation was cancelled Future for rural Oxfordshire, March 2015
The Oxfordshire Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) ,000 houses by 2031 (prev. 54,700) Equivalent of 40% increase in housing stock Roughly 1 new Didcot every 2 years Future for rural Oxfordshire, March 15
Local Plan updates Cherwell – 22,800 (up from 16,750) – waiting for Inspector’s report Vale of White Horse - 20,560 (up from 13,000) – submitted for Inspection West Oxfordshire – 10,500 (up from 5,500 to 2029) – consulting on pre-submission draft South Oxfordshire – 11, ,600 more – consulting on Refined Options Oxford City – 28,000 (up from 8,000) – says can accommodate 10,000 – not updating current LP Future for rural Oxfordshire, March 2015
What’s wrong with all those figures? SHMA is unsound & unsustainable Figures are more than 2.5 TIMES the official projections Based on highly aspirational economic growth Even a 50% increase in building would price only 5000 additional households (nationally!) into the market after ten years (Barker Report, 2004) Approx. twice the highest level of previous housing delivery ever achieved Future for rural Oxfordshire, March 2015
Why does it matter if targets are too high? Lack of five year housing supply & a Local Plan Becomes a developer-led system Greenfield sites immediate target Future for rural Oxfordshire, March 2015
National planning guidance says: SHMA figures are not targets. Local constraints should be taken into account. Unmet housing need is not an exceptional circumstance that requires building houses in the Green Belt. Great weight should be given to preserving Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty However…. Future for rural Oxfordshire, March 2015
Impacts: Green Belt & Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Vale of White Horse DC: 1,100 houses / 4 sites in Green Belt 1,400 in North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty South Oxfordshire DC: 3,000 houses at Grenoble Road or Wick Farm Oxfordshire County Council: Six park & rides in the Green Belt Future for rural Oxfordshire, March 2015
Impacts: Transport Future for rural Oxfordshire, March 2015
Transport Plan: Strategic Environmental Assessment 'Potential for significant negative impacts on landscape character identified as a result of delivering the Science Vale Area Strategy (e.g. impact on landscape features, loss of open countryside, loss of tranquillity, and change in visual amenity). Road and junction improvements (including a new Thames river crossing), and park and rides are likely to have a negative effect on landscape character.' Future for rural Oxfordshire, March 2015
What other options are there? Reduce – existing planning permissions for ¼ million houses Reuse – empty houses enough for 300,000 families Recycle – brownfield sites for 1.5million homes Remember: This level of ‘committed economic growth’ is a conscious choice Future for rural Oxfordshire, March 2015
What sort of housing do we need? Affordable Well designed ‘Sustainable’ Genuine localism Future for rural Oxfordshire, March 2015
Speak out! -South Oxfordshire Local Plan: Refined Options – consultation closes 2 April -Oxfordshire County Council - Connecting Oxfordshire Local Transport Plan – consultation closes 2 April Future for rural Oxfordshire, March 2015
Speak out! We need to ensure a genuine balance between economic, environmental and social concerns. Make them work for your vote! Rally, Wantage, 12 April Tell your friends Join CPRE Future for rural Oxfordshire, March 2015
It’s worth protecting…. Future for rural Oxfordshire, March 2015 ‘"Not blind opposition to progress, but opposition to blind progress“ (John Muir, Scottish- American naturalist)