Daily Oral Language Level 4 Week 1 1.On february a baby boy was born in Milan ohio. (4) 2.Samuel and nancy Edison nameed ther’re son Thomas.(3)
Daily Oral Language Level 4 Week 1 3. One of Thomas’s teachers were reverend G B Engle. (4) 4. Thomas asked many questions and his teacher often accused he of not behaving. (2)
Daily Oral Language Level 4 Week 1 5. At age fifteen saved the life of mr. J. U. Mackenzie’s son. (2) 6. Soon Edison useing Mr Mackenzie’s telegraph key. (3)
Daily Oral Language Level 4 Week 1 7. In those day telegraph workers often changeed their jobs they roam from state to state. (4) 8. One year edison worked in Michigan Indiana and Ohio. (3)
Daily Oral Language Level 4 Week 1 9. On October Edison had finished makeing a electric lightbulb. (4) 10. No it wasn’t the first electric light it was the best of it’s time though. (4)
Daily Oral Language Level 4 Week 1 Last week me wrote a report on Thomas Edison. I called it The Wizard of Menlo Park. In 1875, Thomas A. Edison moved to Menlo Park, New Jersey. He invented the phonograph, his lightbulb, and even a talking doll there. People were always comeing to see his work. One New year’s eve three thousand people comed to Menlo Park.