Peter Eavers Area Adviser Learning and Teaching Scotland
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Is it fit for purpose? Does it aid good teaching and learning? Does it provide a structure or a straitjacket?
‘It ain’t what you do…’ - process ‘The 3 stages of plan’ ◦ Long-term – Overview of journey ◦ Medium-term– Overview of coverage ◦ Short-term – learning focus/methodology Flexibility andresponsiveness
An opportunity to re-think What are we trying to achieve? 4 capacities exercise
successful learners with enthusiasm and motivation for learning determination to reach high standards of achievement openness to new thinking and ideas and able to use literacy, communication and numeracy skills use technology for learning think creatively and independently learn independently and as part of a group make reasoned evaluations link and apply different kinds of learning in new situations confident individuals with self respect a sense of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing secure values and beliefs Ambition and able to relate to others and manage themselves pursue a healthy and active lifestyle be self aware develop and communicate their own beliefs and view of the world live as independently as they can assess risk and take informed decisions achieve success in different areas of activity responsible citizens with respect for others commitment to participate responsibly in political, economic, social and cultural life and able to develop knowledge and understanding of the world and Scotland’s place in it understand different beliefs and cultures make informed choices and decisions evaluate environmental, scientific and technological issues develop informed, ethical views of complex issues effective contributors with an enterprising attitude resilience self-reliance and able to communicate in different ways and in different settings work in partnership and in teams take the initiative and lead apply critical thinking in new contexts create and develop solve problems To enable all young people to become
The what, why, how and who of planning
Planning and setting up a cross-curricular study APlanning Choose a topic Put together a ‘thought shower’ on all you and the children know / want to know about the topic Pick out the key questions Collate the ideas into the 8 new curricular areas – use Appendix 4 and 5 to help you There may not be links to all the curricular areas, so don’t manufacture them! Don’t feel guilty – you can have discrete subjects! Draw up a topic overview. Colour coding this can be helpful! (see Appendix 1) BThe 4 Capacities (Purposes) To help you recognise the relevance of the four capacities, link your curricular learning outcomes to these four: Successful Learners Confident Individuals Responsible Citizens Effective Contributors To help you make the connections use Appendix 4 or 5.
CActivities – linked to the outcomes and experiences Use your knowledge of ‘Assessment is for Learning’ to plan what you want the children to: gain knowledge and understanding of; what attitudes you would like to be more prevalent; and what skills you want them to have developed by the end of the topic. There should be no need for further plans for Health, R & ME, Drama, Citizenship, Enterprise, PSD etc unless you wish to teach them as discrete subjects. If you want to wait for the published Learning Outcomes, keep your planning of activities as it is now – but with the added 2 preface pages. Take one step at a time. It is hard for teachers to step into the unknown. DPupil sheet If you wish, you can make up a pupil sheet which has the skills on which you are focussing learning and teaching during the topic. We advise that you give this out at the beginning of the topic so that the children can assess their progress. This sheet also provides you with the success criteria. (There are examples in Appendix 3) ETimetabling In primary schools, there will be Language (Reading, Writing, Listening and Talking) and Maths which will need specific time on the timetable. Your itinerant times will be specified to fit in with your allocation and your school timetable. Use the rest of your time for Topic Work. Make sure learning is active and enjoyable: if someone wants to learn more about a particular subject, let them!
Successful Learners I can carry out research within set criteria I can record research findings I can talk about your findings I can write a letter to a tourist board I can create poster/Postcard I can express opinions clearly in debates I can pen friends in Glasgow to find out about their way of life. Pupil Page P5 Scotland Success Criteria Level C Duration 11 weeks Confident Individuals I can use the websites and other materials to carry out research I can decide what area you want to study and how you will do this I can study some Scottish poems, words and dialects to learn about Scotland’s culture Responsible Citizens I can find out about stereotypes I can discuss how countries make money and introduce the concept of industry I can discuss advantages/disadvantages of city/country life I can debate whether tourism is good or bad for a town/island/country Effective Contributors I can work co- operatively in small groups to create power point presentation I can ask relevant questions during discussions I can participate fully in group or class discussions I can use self/peer assessment to evaluate your own and other’s work I can give a prepared talk to class or small group I can understand the contribution of the main industries of Scotland
PROJECT: CURRICULUM FOCUS: Date: School contact Successful LearnersConfident IndividualsResponsible CitizensEffective Contributors Maths Language ICT Aesthetic Arts Thinking Skills Health PSD RME PE Emotional Literacy Social Studies Science & Technology Community & Culture Citizenship Eco Schools Envisonment Enterprise Problem Solving Collaborative Team Work Creativity Leadership Co-ordinator Date Learning outcome
Think/pair/share exercise