Informatio Medicata 2007 MEDVIK ® Portal - an integrated environment for medical information services in Czech Republic Filip Kříž, Ondřej Horsák, Helena Bouzková, Lenka Maixnerová National Medical Library, Prague
1 / Informatio Medicata 2007 National Medical Library develops collection of Czech (deposit function) and foreign literature from medical and related fields provides information services to medical research & development and education (loan, copy, retrieval, reference, publishing) produces Czech national medical bibliography (BMC) and union catalogue provides access to internal and external related databases translates Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) is a WHO Documentation centre manages the Medical museum
2 / Informatio Medicata 2007 Library information services in health Objectives fast and comfortable access to medical research information in a variable environment Tools complex information system with add-on solutions for access to information resources integrated into a web portal
3 / Informatio Medicata 2007 Medical libraries in CR 143 information services units holdings users loans 322 FTE (staff) (December 2006)
4 / Informatio Medicata 2007 End users - readers Specialists Dentists Pharmaceutical staff Nurses Students Other non-medical professions Researchers & scientists
5 / Informatio Medicata 2007 in (mentioned) variable environment is very difficult and not feasible Efficient cooperation & interoperability MEDVIK ®
6 / Informatio Medicata 2007 MEDVIK system outline result of MH and ME funded projects operated by NML in data centre centralized shared database preservation of institutional diversities implementation of LMS DAWINCI in multi-library model standards, data exchange cooperation, methodology, user support free of charge license for medical libraries
7 / Informatio Medicata 2007 MEDVIK ® system functions Acquisition Cataloguing Authority control, Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Circulation, ILS, DDS Serials control, collection management Publishing activity documentation Administration, audit, statistics, reporting Z39.50 Server / client Distributed searching Remote Access
8 / Informatio Medicata 2007 Supported standards & technology Bibliographic standards UNIMARC Bibliographic, UNIMARC Authority, MARC21, MARC Authority Cataloguing rules AACR2, ISBD Input/output formats ISO 2709, ISO 690, ISBD, Dublin Core, HTML/XML, SUTRS, RSS Communication protocols ISO TCP/IP, HTTP, ISO Z39.50 BATH Profile, OpenURL 1.0 Encoding UNICODE
9 / Informatio Medicata 2007 Integrated institutions National Medical Library Dept. of Scientific Information at Ministry of Health Masaryk Hospital, Ústí nad Labem (region wide solution) State Institute for Drug Control Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion
10 / Informatio Medicata 2007 Advantages & benefits for integrated institution cost savings on HW, SW and maintenance growing number of available records cost-effective provision of information services higher level of cooperation and experience sharing methodical and user support continual system development, standards reliable system, data security data exchange with system environment... etc.
11 / Informatio Medicata 2007 Advantages & benefits for end user - reader broader range of available resources, quality enhanced records better information services easier access –one web interface – Medvik Portal –one single point of access, 24/7 –easy orientation in user friendly interface –record linking, remote access, federated searching –... etc.
12 / Informatio Medicata 2007 Concept of MEDVIK ® system
13 / Informatio Medicata 2007 MEDVIK Portal internal and external resources searching library services remote access - HAN online updating of Union catalogue
14 / Informatio Medicata 2007 Remote access to online journals
15 / Informatio Medicata 2007 Remote access to databases
16 / Informatio Medicata 2007 Remote access statistics unique users
17 / Informatio Medicata 2007 Searching in external resources
18 / Informatio Medicata 2007 External search - results
19 / Informatio Medicata 2007 External search – record view
20 / Informatio Medicata 2007 Online update of Union catalogue – periodicals
21 / Informatio Medicata 2007 Online update of UC – record view
22 / Informatio Medicata 2007 Objectives in 2007 online processing of BMC (Bibliographia Medica Czechoslovaca) in MEDVIK system - fulltext searching of abstracts with linking to online resources online access to BMC through MEDVIK Portal with enhanced search and linking features results clustering, OpenURL, citation search design and navigation changes in portal, RSS
23 / Informatio Medicata 2007 * Thank You * More information: Mgr. Filip Kříž PhDr. Helena Bouzková Mgr. Lenka Maixnerova Mgr. Ondřej Horsák