1 [Dr Seydou Fomba] SMC Focal Point, NMCP [January 18th]
2 Planned Actual 2015 Round Summary Key AccomplishmentsUpcoming Outstanding Activities Number of trainers trained: 15 Number of health staff trained:405 Number of volunteers trained: 4606 Peak number of children reached: TBD: National SMC 2015 restitution TBD: SMC Tools Review TBD: Microplanning at District and Regional leve(2 nd Week of March) TBD 1.Dakar meeting 2.Official kickoff in-country 3.Micro-planning 4.ToT 5.Training of health workers 6.Training of distributors SMC cycles 11. Lessons learned 11 Key Milestones LegendGreyOriginally plannedGreenCompleted as plannedYellowAcceptable delayRedExcessive delay Mar 2015Apr 2015May 2015Jun 2015Jul 2015Aug 2015Sep 2015Oct 2015Nov 2015Dec 2015Jan
Delivery methods & approaches Fixed strategy(using Fixed team and mobile team in advanced sites) Number of teams: 987 / sites: 987 with 329 fixed and 658 mobile Composition of distributors’ teams (per type of approach) - Fixed Team: 6 distributors - Mobile Team: 4 distributors Presence / absence of health workers (nurses) - Most of the distributors were Health workers.
4 Training and materials (I) Training People trained [list by category]: 5026 Master trainers: 15 Regional trainers: 20 District trainers: 56 Health center trainers:329 Distributors:4606 Materials distributed (job aids, training manuals, flyers & posters, etc.) [list by category] * Job aids(ACCESS-SMC) for: Distributors: 990 Health workers: 660; Mothers/Guardians:990; Visual aids: 330, Q&A:990, Flyers: 21, * Training Manuals(ACCESS-SMC) For: Guide of Trainers: 101; Health workers: 81; CHWs: 329; Manual for supervisors: 287
5 Training and materials (II) Were manuals and materials actually used? - Manuals and Materials listed above were used. More useful as mentioned by implementers are: -Job aids for: Distributors,Health workers, Mothers/Guardians -Training Manuals For: Guide of Trainers, Manual for Health worker and for CHWs Changes considered for 2016 (reduction / changes) -Use only the most useful job aids and training manuals For new 6 sites -Adapt manuals to Mali context (Changes made in 2015 during TOT)
Admin Coverage Summary (I)
Admin Coverage Summary (II) TargetActualPercentage %
Stock Summary
Pharmacovigilance Summary
Pharmacovigilance (II) All of the 343 HF got the training manual containing PV Module Each of them received 15 Forms(4939 forms printed and sent) We got 7 reports Only 1 case was serious with edema of inferior members and the abdomen. No hospitalization and no Death The cases were reported through the national PV system: the head of community Health center sent to district, the district to region and the region to National PV centre
IEC/BCC approaches Key approaches used (media, tools, target audiences) -Media: local radios -Community Relais and mobilizators -Public shouters Most effective approach identified -Community relais and Mobilizators -Local radios Changes considered for Better involvement of district on in local radio selection -More emphasis on sensitization using public shouters, community leaders and authorities
3 Key Successes 1. Adhesion/Mobilization of community contribution( Fuel, sugar, transport to HF(Villages)of SMC drugs and material, fees for community mobilizators) through Civil Society Organization(Mayor offices, conseils de cercle, ASACO) 2. Real political will and good relationship with NMCP, Pharmacie Populaire du Mali( Drugs storage and transport), Laboratoire National de la Santé(Timely drugs quality control) 3. Reduction of malaria cases in all the Health Facilities covered compared to the same period last year 12
3 Key Issues 1. Late arrival of SMC drugs in country 2. Presence of new SMC training, data collection and microplanning tools resulting of a poor data collection, distribution and supervision 3. Late recovery of supporting documents from HF due to the high number of CHWs 13
Support by other partners (lists partners/results in 1 summary page) -NMCP -Pharmacie Populaire du Mali -Laboratoire National de la Santé -Direction Nationale de la santé -Direction Regional de la santé -Districts sanitaires -MRTC -INGOS: ALIMA-AMCP, USAID/PMI(Microplanning and regional training)
Role of NMCP / MoH Policy: SMC is part of national Malaria policy developped since 2012 by the NMCP/MOH Fund-raising: - Government direct contribution to SMC2015 for drugs purchase, operational cost for 10 districts -Loans with World Bank for SMC 2016 in 19 districts -Advocacy with others partners to fund SMC activities Funding for SMC coming from the national health budget - This year the national health budget paid For 5 millions of SPAQ treatments and $ as operational cost.
Merci! Thank you! 16