Making ‘natural’ links in Visual Arts to class room units.
Link to the Transdisciplinary theme? Link to the concepts? Link to the Central Idea? Seek out the language… - Art language The Central Idea: To me this is the strongest link – if a central idea uses Visual Arts language – eg. Aesthetics Or topics that easily connect with -a style of art eg Indigenous, -a period of art eg contemporary / modern, -an element of art eg light or reflection ….
How we do it.. Firstly, look at the Yearly Program of Inquiry We link with 1 unit, per year, per year level. We always look to the Central Idea first by seeking out Art language or arty topics. If we cannot find a common link that immediately comes to mind, only then do we look to the Concepts such as Form, Change, Connection. Or we may link to the Trans theme and that would usually be ‘How We Express Ourselves’. But the link must be obvious and clear. Because essentially what we do in Visual Arts is extending the class room inquiry further – giving it greater depth. And if we struggle to see, feel and understand the connection, how are the children to understand it?
Central Idea… People express their beliefs and cultures in a variety of ways. TASK: Year 2. Bleach, ink & fine liner paintings and ceramic sculptures. Concepts… FORM & CONNECTION HWEO
Central Idea ….Appreciation of the aesthetics varies between individuals and enriches human life. TASK: Year 5 Dr Seuss inspired 3D sculptures. Concepts: FUNCTION & PERSPECTIVE. HWEO
Central Idea : Persuasion can impact the way people think, feel and act. TASK: Year 6 Creation of a business card for your own business. Concepts: Form, Perspective & Responsibility. HWEO
Central Idea: Appreciation of the aesthetics allows people to understand themselves and connect to others. TASK: Year 3 Completion of a series of drawing tasks including right brain exercises, tone, line, form and concluding with a highly finished, still life sketch. Concepts: Function, Change & Reflection. HWEO
Central Idea: Understanding the properties of light (and sound) allows people to use it in different ways. TASK: Year 1. Completion of a Monet inspired water lily painting, paper dragonflies and paper lilies. Concepts: Change & Reflection. HTWW
Central Idea: Imagination allows us to express ourselves creatively. TASK: Year 6 Rosetta Santucci inspired reverse paintings. Concepts: Form, Function & Reflection. HWEO
Central Idea… Photographic portraiture is a method of telling others about an important issue. Exhibition… TASK: Year 6 An investigation of photographic works by various artists, such as Leibovitz. Creating a self portrait photo with accompanying quote that represents their exhibition topic. Concepts: Form & Connection. HWEO