Thornhill School News Issue 22 News from Miss Clark News from Mrs Colley SCHOOLSCHOOL This Week Next Week – 11 th March News from Mrs Figes Attendance- week beginning 25 th February: 85.1%. Lots of sickness last week, thank you for staying at home if you were unwell. Let’s talk……. What is the value of a smile?. Fri 8th t March 2013 Brownies If your child is interested in joining Brownies please contact Rachel on During the week the children have enjoyed competing on-line with children from around the world in World Education Games. In fact during just one half hour session one group of infants and juniors met children from 24 countries and competed with them in maths quizzes. In Science we have been studying sources of light and how light travels in a straight line. We looked at natural and man-made sources. In Art and Design we have been preparing for Mother’s Day and I hope all the mums enjoy their treat! Mon- Multi-cultural week- art Tues-World Literacy Day ( online activities) Wed-World Maths Day (online activities) Thurs-World Book Day – Listen to a story and 2.30 Fri- Food tasting in the 9.30 All clubs as normal Mon- Sports club Tues- Miscue Puppet Show Wed- KS2 Cinema trip- late home Thurs- KS2 over 60s group: Toys and games Fri- Red Nose Day !. Red Nose Day Next Friday is Red Nose Day. We will be collecting money for this charity and the children are encouraged to dress up and look silly in school. This week has been Multi-Cultural Week in school. A week of activities that allow the pupils to recognise their role in an international community. To celebrate differences and the whole variety of cultures, beliefs and traditions around the world. We have now finished our topic on Ancient Greece, it was fun to listen to the Greek myths and to create our own gods, heroes and monsters. This week we have also looked at advertising: designing a poster for Icarus’ wings. We have had a very enjoyable week! On Monday we made a large collage of the world which was a lot of fun. Yesterday we thoroughly enjoyed dressing up as a character from a book and listening to stories read by different members of staff. Ask your child what they have enjoyed doing this week.
Residents Committee news Thornhill Play Park A swing seat in the play park which was removed after being vandalised/misused has recently been replaced. The cost of this seat including carriage exceeds £50. This is paid for by YOU – the parishioners of Beckermet with Thornhill parish. If you have children who play on the various pieces of equipment in the park, please teach them to respect the apparatus and not damage or misuse it in any way. There may come a time when there is no money available for replacements which could ultimately result in the complete removal of the equipment. Residents Committee Nursery If anyone has a hostess trolley that they don’t want the nursery would be pleased to have it. Also our Carer/Toddler group are looking for feeding booster seats that you strap onto a chair. If anyone has one that they don’t want please let Deanna Magill in the nursery know. Key Stage Two – Cinema Visit Mrs Colley will be taking Key Stage Two to the Rosehill Theatre on Wednesday 13 th March to see a 3d version of The Life of Pi. They will have lunch as normal in school, but return at 4pm. If you wish your child to walk home alone after this visit please let Mrs Colley know. This cinema visit is linked to the R.E. topic of belief. Key Stage Two- Intergenerational Afternoon As part of our on-going links with the Thornhill over 60s group, the children will be going to the Social Club on Thursday 14 th March. They will be sharing and comparing games, old and new. We are happy for your child to bring in games to share with the pensioners at this event. Wrist Jewellery (including rubber bands) Several children are coming to school wearing wrist bands which are causing a distraction in lesson time as they continually fiddling with them. Can you please ensure that wrist bands are not brought into school by your child(ren.) Thank you for your co-operation. PE Kit It has been recently noted that many children are bringing PE kits to school which are very different to those we recommend in our prospectus: blue shorts and plain white top. Please be aware that we will be discussing with Governors whether we need to enforce the uniform in the same way that other schools and especially secondary schools do. In the meantime please discourage your child from choosing overly colourful patterned or logo T-shirts during PE lessons.